this is the personal growth and development among the individual body
physical self
the part of us that can be directly observed and seen by others
physical self
why do men have nipples?
✓ pleasure, erogenous zone
sensitive to touch and can come handy for erotic stimulation
erogenous zone
purpose of pubic hair
✓ reduce friction during sex
✓ stop bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the body
people removal pubic hair cause of
✓ personal preference
✓ partner’s preference
✓ preparation for sexual activities
✓ peer and societal pressure
✓ increased satisfaction
risks of removing pubic hair
✓ itchiness, small cuts from razor
✓ potential injury from razor
✓ rashes and infections
this is characterized by rapid changes. the maturation of the reproductive system
the changes in your body during puberty is caused by
(puberty: girls)
ovaries and the body will start to produce two hormones:
estrogen and progesterone
this hormone causes your breast to grow, helps your vagina, uterus and fallopian tube to develop
this controls your menstrual cycle
estrogen and progesterone
this is the hormone that is responsible for the puberty of the boys
testosterone is produced in?
testosterone levels rise during
testosterone produces
the importance of circumcision
✓ protection against infections of the urinary tract and foreskin
✓ prevents cancer
✓ lowers the risks of stds
✓ prevents phimosis
tightening of the foreskin that may close the opeing of the penis
also known as femal genital mutilation
female circumcision
female circumcision is said to believed to reduce
the chances of women cheating on partner
classification of femal genital mutilation
type 1: clitoridectomy
type 2: excision
type 3: infibulation
type 4: pricking piercing, scraping, etc.
partial or total removal of the clitoris
type 1: clitoridectomy
the fold of skin surrounding the clitoris
partial or total removal of the clitoris and labia minora
type 2: excision
the narrowing of the vaginal opening through the creation of a covering seal
type 3: infibulation
cutting and repositioning of the labia minora or labia majora through stitching
includes all the other harmful procedures t the female genital for non-medical purposes
type 4
problems associated with physical self
a. bulimia nervosa
b. anorexia nervosa
c. binge eating
d. obesity
e. body dismorphic disorder
✓ episodes of binge eating (consuming large quantity of food in one seating)
✓ no sense of control over your eating
✓ try inappropriate ways to lose weight such as vomiting and fasting
bulimia nervosa
✓ abnormally low body weight
✓ intense fear of gaining weight and disorted perception of weight
✓ controlling their weight and shape using extreme efforts
anorexia nervosa
✓ eating disorder
✓ frequently consume unusually large amounts of food nd feel unable to stop eating
binge eating
✓ disease involving an excessive amount of body fat
✓ can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived defect or flaws in your appearance
body dismorphic disorder
refers to the development of life from the conception of death
elizabeth hurlock’s lifespan development
elizabeth hurlock’s lifespan development
✓ the germinal period
✓ the embryonic period
✓ the fatal period
two week period
zygote begins to divide and make its way to the uterus, the forms int hollow ball and attaches to the uterus wall
placenta and umbilical cord begin to form
cells begin to develop into specialized cell
the germinal period
occurs after two weeks of eight weeks
cells continue to specialized and become specific organ and structure
neuron development
one inch long with distinct facial features
nearly all organs are present
the embryonic period
eight weeks to birth
the baby remains in the uterus
sex organs develop
organs finish developing
fetus gains about 7 pounds during this period
the fatal period
2–6 years old
early childhood
6–10.12. years old
late childhood
- 14 years old
14–18 years old
18–40 uears old
early adulthood
40–60 years old
middle adulthood
factors that can affect physical growth and development
nurture and nature
learning and experiences
inheritance of trait
they are the product of hereditary and environment
physical growth and development
it plays an important role in individual physical development
environmental factors (diet nutrition and disease)
threadlike tissues that contains genes which consist of 23 pairs
this will determine the sex of the offspring
last pair of chromosome, 23
baby will have 3 copies of chromosome 21
down syndrome
down syndrome is also called as
trisomy 21
baby will have 3 copies of chrosome 18
✓ small, abnormally shaped head, small jaw and mouth, long fimgers that overlaps, underdeveloped low-set ears
edward’s syndrome
one of the X chromosomes is missing
a condition only affects females
turner syndrome
baby will have 3 copies of chromosome 13
patau’s syndrome
5p syndrome or cat cry syndrome
deletion of genetic material on the of chromosome 5
cri-du syndrome
boy is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome
reduced muscle mass, body and facial hair, enlarged breast tissues
klinefelter’s syndrome
loss of genetic material from chromosome 11
also known as 11q terminal deletion disorder, ADHD.
jacobsen syndrome
premature fusion of a certain skull
crouzon syndrome
✓ hippocrates
✓ jane haner
✓ william sheldon
person’s physical characteristics (facial features and expression, body structure) could be related to person’s character or personality
theory of physiognomy
make use of the elements of water, wood,fire, earth and metal archetypes for everything occuring in the natural world
five element theory
hippocrate’s theory
theory of body fluids
any defeciency or excess in the four body fluids influences person’ personality, temperament and being
theory of body fluids
the four classification under the theory of body fluids
✓ sanguine
✓ melancholic
✓ choleric
✓ phlegmatic
impulsive, cheerful, optimistic, happy, highly talkative, active, exttoverted, charistmatic
deppresed pessimistic, anxious, strive for perfection
easily angry, jumpy, temperamental, independent, goal oriented, ambitious, good natural leader
sluggish, slow, dull. relaxed, peaceful, quiet, easy goinf, caring abt other, hiding emotions, good t generalizing ideas and problems
william sheldon’s theory
body type theory
body type theory
soft and plump body = easy going and sociable
strong and muscular body = energetic, adventurous, assertive, courageous, dominant, competitive
tall and thin body = restrained, quiet, extroverted, artistic
jean haner’s theory
the wisdom of your face
every human face has their individual and unique meanings
the wisdom of your face
types of face shapes
triangle shaped
square shaped
oval shaped
diamond shaped
heart shaped
round shaped
how individuals perceive, think and feel about their body and physical appearance.
body image
future-oriented state, person focuses on the possibility, of uncontrollable danger or misfortune
present-oriented state, strong escapist to tendencies or current danger
acquired by experiencing some traumatic events, can also be learned
everything about a person that others can observe such as height, weight,clothes, hairstyle
he kind of person you are
person’s overall evaluation of his own worth
body modifications
make ups
cosmetic surgery