Physical Exam: Dermatology Flashcards

Hypopigmented Macules. Macules are spots that measure < 1 cm in diameter.

Patch. Spot that measures > 1 cm in diameter

Papules. Bumps < 1 cm in diameter

Plaque. Broad area or confluence of raised bumps.

Nodule. A bump/lump > 1 cm in diameter

Herpetiform/clustered vesicles. Fluid-filled bumps/lumps < 1 cm in diameter in a cluster

Bullae. A fluid-filled bump/lump > 1 cm in diameter

Pustule. Bump/lump filled with pus

Wheal. Papule or plaque due to transient tissue damage.

Erosion. Loss of epidermis that does not extend into the dermis and will heal without scarring.

Ulcer. Loss of dermis and epidermis. Heals with scarring.

Fissure. A narrow loss of dermis or epidermis.

Target-shaped rash

Serpiginous rash.
A rash on the hands and feet
Describing rash color
Erythematous, violaceous, reddish-brown
Describing pigmentation
Hypopigmented, hyperpigmented, depigmented