Histology-Neural Tissue Flashcards
What cells are indicated by the arrows?

Plasma cells. You know this because they are in connective tissue and have the clock face.
What are the different labels and what makes up labels 1 and 4?

- White matter (oligodendrocytes and myelin) 2. Ventral horn 3. Dorsal horn 4. Grey matter (cell bodies)
What structures are indicated by the arrows?

- White matter (note oligodendrocyte nuclei and myelin) 2. Gray matter (note squiggly lines and bullseye dots indicating axons, dark staining large nucleus in neuron cell body)
What structures do you see here?

- Nissl Bodies (rER) 2. Dendrite (note processes extend into cell body) 3. Nucleolus 4. Nucleus 5. Nuclei of glial cells (astocytes stain lighter and oligodendrocytes stain darker)
What is indicated by the arrows?

Foot processes from astrocytes on capillaries forming the blood brain barrier.
What is indicated by the arrows?

Processes of oligodendrocytes that wrap around the axon to form the myelin sheath
What is indicated by each number?

- Epineurium (outermost dense CT) 2. Perineurium (CT) 3. Schwann Cell nuclei 4. Myelin sheath 5. Axon 6. Capillaries surrounded by perineurium
What is indicated by the numbers?

- Node of Ranvier 2. Myelin Sheet 3. Schwann Cell Nuclei 4. Axon
What is indicated by #1?

This is the dorsal root ganglion. Note supporting satellite cells (#1). Also note they are psuedounipolar neurons because dendrites and axons fuse.
What is the hallmark of the parasympathetic ganglia?

They have ganglia in the actual tissue they innervate.
What are the three primary types of neurons based on morphology and function?
Morphology: bi-polar, multipolar and pseudounipolar. Function: motor, sensory and interneurons
What are the large motor neurons in the spinal cord?
Alpha motor neurons
What links these dark staining cells together?

Tight junctions. These are ependymal cells that line the vertebral canal and allow for diffusion of CSF between the canal and brain.
What functions do the cells depicted here serve?

Mechanical support of neurons, nourishment of neurons, blood-brain barrier and take up of metabolic toxins.
What would be more detrimental, a disease that destroys oligodendrocytes or Schwann cells?
Oligodendrocytes. They myelinate multiple nerves fibers where Schwann cell only myelinate one nerve fiber.
What nuclei are seen in the far right part of this picture? What separates the different layers seen in this image?

Schwann cells. These tend to reside in the fascicle (bundles of nerve fibers). Epineurium separates fascicles, perineurium surrounds each fascicle, and endoneurium surrounds each axon.
What is different about the neurons in the dorsal root ganglia vs. sympathetic ganglia?
The DRG neurons are pseudo unipolar and the sympathetic ganglia have neurons that are post synaptic after a presynaptic neuron acts on the ganglia.