Physical Exam: Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Grading scale for peripheral pulses
0 absent, not palpable 1+ pulse diminished, barely perceptible 2+ easily palpable, normal 3+ full pulse, icn strength 4+ bounding pulse
Apical pulse or point of maximal impulse
pt is supine
palpate at 5th interspace, midclavicular vertical line
(apex of heart)
Other pulses
Radial Carotid Brachial Femoral Popliteal Pedal
Normal HR - adult and teen
40-60 if aerobically trained
Normal HR - child
Normal HR - newborn
avg is 127
90-164 is range
Tachycardia =
Bradycardia =
over 100
less than 60
Postural techycardia syndrome
sustained heart rate increase greater than or equal to 30 bpm within 10 minutes of standing
Irregular pulse
variations in force and frequency
may be due to arrhythmias, myocarditis
Weak, thready pulse - may be due to
may be due to low SV, cardiogenic shock
Bounding, full pulse - may be due to
shortened ventricular systole and decreased peripheral pressure or aortic insufficiency
Auscultation is what
Process of listening for sounds within the body
Auscultation landmarks - aortic valve
2nd R intercostal space at sternal border
Auscultation landmarks - pulmonic valve
2nd L intercostal space at sternal border
Auscultation landmarks - Tricuspid valve
4th L itnercostal space at sternal border
Auscultation landmarks - Mitral valve
5th L itnercostal space at midclavicle area
normal closure of mitral and tricuspid (AV valves)
normal closure of aortic and pulmonary valves (semilunar valves)
marks end of systole
S1 decreased in
first degree heart block
S2 decreased in
aortic stenosis
Systolic murmur
Falls between S1 and S2
Might indicate valvular disease or can be normal
Diastolic murmur
falls between S2 and S1
Usually indicates valvular disease
Grades of heart murmurs
Grade 1 (softest audible murmur) to Grade 6 (audible with stethoscope off chest)
Thrill murmur
an abnormal tremor accompanying a vascular or cardiac murmur
felt on palpation
Bruit is what
an adventitious sound or murmur (blowing sound) of arterial or venous origin
common in carotid and femoral arteries
indicative of atherosclerosis
Gallop rhythm is what
an abnormal heart rhythm with three sounds in each cycle, resembles a gallop of a horse
Gallop rhythm - S3 is what
associated with ventricular filling
occurs soon after S2
in older people can be indicative of LV congestive heart failure
Gallop rhythm - S4 is what
associated with ventricular filling and atrial kick/contraction
occurs just before S1
indicative of pathology like CAD MI aortic stenosis or chronic hypertension
ECG - P wave
atrial depolarization
ECG - PR interval
Time required for impulse to travel from atria to through conduction system to purkinje fibers