Physical Exam-Ankle Flashcards
How do the muscles of the calf (soles and gastrocnemius) know when to fire to complete gait cycle?
The plantar fascia is stretched and makes them fire.
Where do 85% of ankle sprains occur?
Anterior talofibular ligament on the lateral ankle.

Why don’t medial ankle sprains occur as often as lateral ankle sprains?
The medial ankle has the deltoid ligament, which is very strong and difficult to tear.

In what position do most ankle sprains occur?
Plantar flexion. The ankle is fairly stable in when flat.

What things do you “inspect” during the physical exam of the ankle?
Gait, arches, swelling, ecchymosis, atrophy

What are the key areas in the foot to palpate during the physical exam?
Metatarsal shafts and bases (Lis Franc = 2,3,4 and Jones = 5), anterior navicular, medial tubercle of calcaneus (plantar fasciitis) and achilles.

What are the key areas in the lateral ankle to palpate during the physical exam?
Anterior talofibular ligament, calcaneofibular ligament, posterior talofibular ligament and the infero-posterior aspect of the lateral malleolus

What are the key areas in the medial ankle to palpate during the physical exam?
Deloid ligament and infero-posterior aspect of the medial malleolus

What are the key areas in the anterior ankle to palpate during the physical exam?
Anteior syndesmosis (between tibia and fibula)
What are the ankle special tests?
Thompson’s Squeeze Test (achilles). Anterior Drawer Test (ATFL). Talar Tilt/Varus Stress Test (CFL).