Physical Exam Flashcards
Benign Exam - Constitutional
Well developed, well nourished.
No acute distress.
Benign Exam - Eyes
EOMI (touch)
Sclera are anicteric (normal)
Normal conjuctiva
Benign Exam - Mouth
Moist mucous membranes
Oropharynx (OP) normal
Benign Exam - Neck
Supple, No lymphadenopathy (touch)
Benign Exam - Cardiovascular
Well perfused. Regular rate and rhythm (touch),
No murmurs, rubs, or gallops (touch).
Distal pulses intact (touch).
Benign Exam - Respiratory
No respiratory distress.
Clear to ausultation bilaterally (CTAB) (touch).
No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi (touch).
Benign Exam -Abdominal
Non-distended. Soft (touch).
Non-tender (touch).
No guarding, rebound, or rigidity (touch).
Benign Exam - Extremities
No edema, Full ROM (touch)
Benign Exam - Skin
Dry, no rashes. Warm (touch)
Benign Exam - Neurological (Non-Focal Neuro Exam)
Alert and oriented (A&Ox4) }
Normal speech. }-Non-Focal Neuro Exam
Motor Strength 5/5 and Symmetric
Deep Tendon Reflex (DTR) 2+
Benign Exam - Psychiatric
Normal affect.
Abnormal Exam - Constitutional
Mild/moderate/severe distress
Somnolent, obtunded, unresponsive
Benign Exam - Head
Atraumatic/normocephalic (AT/NC)
Abnormal Exam - Head
Any signs of trauma
Sinus tenderness
Angioedema (facial swelling)
Abnormal Exam - Eyes
Anisocoria (unequal pupils)
EOM entrapment (mvmt stopped)
Sclera icterus
Pale conjunctiva or conjunctival injection
Abnormal Exam - Detailed Eye and Instruments
Retinal detachment - Ophthalmoscope
Coneal Abrasion or Ulcerations - Wood’s Lamp or Fluorescein uptake
Benign Exam - Detailed Eye
Clear anterior chamber
Sharp disk margins
Normal cornea
Abnormal Exam - Ears
TM erythema
TM bulging
TM dullness (infected)
TM obscured by cerumen (earwax)