Emergency Department Flow Flashcards
Subjective vs. Objective
Feeling (pt) vs Fact (MD)
Chief Complaint
Main reason for pt visit
Medical Decision Making
The physician’s thought process
Pain vs. Tenderness
pt feeling vs. Physician’s assessment
Listening with a stethoscope
Act of pressing on an area (by dr)
Scribes CAN NOT
Touch pt Write orders or prescriptions Give verbal orders Partake in any activity that may affect pt outcome Sign/authenticate charts/records Handle bodily fluids/specimens
Flow Overview
Check in/chief complaint -> Dr Assessment -> objective orders and results -> Medical decision making -> disposition
Documentation Template
HPI (sub) and ROS (sub) -> Past History -> PE (obj), ED Course (obj), and Disposition
History of Present Illness: Story and context of chief complaint
A head-to-toe list of positives and negatives
Past History
PMHx, PSHx, SHx, FHx
Physical Examination: Physician’s objective findings
ED Course
Objective results: Labs, imaging, re-evals, consults, procedures
Discharged home, admitted for further care, transfer to another facility, or death
Pres’s documentation system
I have high blood pressure
HTN: Hypertension
I have high cholesterol
HLD: Hyperlipidemia
I have thyroid problems
Usually Hypothyroidism, sometimes hyperthyroidism
I have diabetes
DM: Diabetes Mellitus
I only take pills for my diabetes
I take shots (insulin) for my diabetes
I have heart disease
I’ve had a heart attack
MI and CAD
I’ve had heart failure
I have an irregular heart beat
I have a heart murmur
Heart murmur
I have episodes of racing heartbeats
SVT: Supraventricular Tachycardia
I have asthma
I have emphysema/chronic bronchitis
I have a blood clot in my lung
I’ve had pneumonia
I have acid reflux
I have an ulcer
Gastric Ulcer or Peptic Ulcer Disease
I have pancreatitis
I have hepatitis
Hepatitis A, B, or C
I have diverticulitis
I have Crohn’s/UC
Crohn’s Disease or Ulcerative Colitis
I have irritable bowels
I have a bladder infection
I have a kidney infection
Pyelonephritis (Pyelo)
I have kidney stones
Renal calculi
I’m on dialysis
CRF: Chronic renal failure
ESRD: End stage renal disease (dialysis, freq, last Tx)
I have an enlarged prostate
BPH: Benign Prostate Hypertrophy
Gravida: Total # times pregnant
Para: # live births
Abortion: # miscarriages or elective abortions
I’ve had a stroke
CVA: Cerebrovascular Accident
I’ve had a mini-stroke
TIA: Transient Ischemic Attack
I’ve had seizures
Seizure disorder/epilepsy
I’ve had a brain bleed
Hemmorrhagic CVA
I’m bipolar
Bipolar disorder
I’m schizophrenic
I drink a lot
EtOH abuse/Alcoholism
I do drugs
Substance Abuse
I’ve had a blood clot in my leg
Lower Extremity DVT
I have a bulge in my aorta
AAA: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
I have bad blood flow to my legs
PVD: Peripheral Vascular Disease
I have numbness in my legs
Peripheral Neuropathy
I have Cancer
CA + Type
My cancer has spread
With metastases
I’m in chemo
I’m in radiation
Radiation therapy
They cut my cancer out
Status-post surgical resection
My cancer is gone
In remission
I have low back pain
Chronic low back pain
I have a bulging/herniated disc
DDD: Degenerative Disc Disease
I have arthritis
OA: Osteoarthritis (usually)
RA: Rheumatoid Arthritis
I have joint pain (chronic)
DJD: Degenerative Joint Disease
I have weak/fragile bones
Osteoperosis (usually)
I’ve had my tonsils removed
I’ve had my adenoids removed
I have ear tubes
P.E.: Pressure Equalizer Tubes
I’ve had a heart bypass
I’ve had stents inserted
Coronary stents -> PMHx CAD
I have a heart cath
Cardiac catheterization
I’ve had a balloon in my heart
Angioplasty -> PMHx CAD
I’ve had valve surgery
Valve repair or replacement (bovine vs mechanical)
I have a pacer
I have a defibrillator
AICD: Automatic Implanted Cardiac Dibibrillator
I’ve had surgery for Afib
Afib s/p cardiac ablation
I’ve had my breast removed
I have a hole in my neck
Tracheostomy or trach
I’ve had part of my lung removed
Partial lobectomy
I’ve had my appendix removed
I’ve had my gallbladder removed
I’ve had a hernia repaired
I’ve had part of my colon removed
Partial colectomy
I have a bag to collect stool
Colostomy bag
I’ve had my spleen removed
I’ve had my stomach stapled
Gastric bypass
I’ve had exploratory surgery
Exploratory Laproscopy (ExLap)
I’ve had my kidney removed
I’ve had my uterus removed
Hysterectomy (partial vs total)
I’ve had an ovary removed
I’ve had my ovary and fallopian tubes removed
I’ve had my tubes tied
Tubal ligation (female) or Vasectomy (male)
I’ve had a C-Section
Ceasarean section
I’ve had my prostate removed
Prostatectomy (most often TURP: Trans-Urethral Removal of the Prostate)
I’ve had a uterine product removed
D&C: Dilation and Curettage
I’ve had my neck artery cleaned
Carotid Endarterectomy
I’ve had brain surgery
Craniotomy (brain bleed vs CA)
I have a shunt
VP Shunt (Ventriculoperitoneal)
I have a dialysis fistula
AV (arteriovenous) fistula
I have a dialysis graft
AV graft
I have a PICC line
PICC: Peripherally inserted central catheter
I have a port
Port-a-cath or Medi-Port
I have a clot filter (lower abdomen)
IVC (inferior vena cava) Filter
I have a clot filter (leg)
Greenfield filter
I’ve had my leg amputated
AKA: Above knee amputation
BKA: Below knee amputation
I’ve had joint repaired
I have metal plates/pin
My neck is fused
Cervical spine fusion
My back is fused
Lumbar spinal fusion
I’ve had hip surgery
ORIF: Open Reduction with Internal Fixation
Medical Allergy vs Adverse Reaction
Only a medication causing rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing is a true allergy.
FHx (Family History Topics)
General: HTN, DM, CA Cardiac: MI/CAD less than 55 y/o Pulmonary: PE, Asthma GI: Crohn's, IBS Neuro: CVA, Seizures, Aneurysm Misc: Sickle cell, DVT
Sx (Social History)
Tobacco, EtOH, Illicit Drugs, Occupation, Living circumstances
Smoking Use
Current (#ppd, #yrs) Former (years quit) Never Second-hand exposure Chewing tobacco
EtOH Use
Chronic (#dpd, type)
Illicit Drug Use
Which drug
Route of administration
Date of last use
On disability
Living Circumstances
Lives alone With family/friends Nursing home/assisted living Hospice Homeless/shelter
Pediatric Sx
Caretaker Attends daycare Attends school Has siblings Second-hand smoke exposure Immunizations UTD