PHYS 5 renal control of Acid-base balance Flashcards
why care about pH?
alter what?

metabolic acid sources?
elimination via?
how much of a change in H does it take to halve H+ concentration?

body buffer systems
instantaneous ones?

what happens at the pK point?

CO2 is transported as what mainly?
plasma proteins?

ICF and ECF in acidemia vs alkalemia

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
what is the formula?
when it comes to the body what numbers are used in what places? what variables are still there?
what log ratio would mean you always get a normal pH?

ventilatory rate effect on pH
what would the graph (curve) look like?
what is the reason?

renal reabsorption of bicarbonate
mostly happens where?
where else?
how much total?

reabsorption of filtered bicarbonate in proximal tubules?
how across apical side?

Primary causes of increased H+ secretion
Hypokalemia (why does it increase acid secretion?)
decreased H+ secretion? primary secondary?

Phosphate buffering of secreted hydrogen ions?
this regenerates what?

production, transport, and excretion of ammonia by nephron
start with what?
end with what?
what transporter where?

alpha and beta-intercalated cells
secretes what? reabsorbs what?
“new” bicarbonate is generated how?

Net acid excretion?
must equal?
what makes up NAE?
why is one not just included with the other one?

acid-base nomogram

metabolic acidosis with compensation and correction
cause is either?

anion gap of plasma what would happen if we decreased HCO3-?
normal gap?

causes of metabolic acidosis
two mnemonics
each for what?
salicylate poisoning is metabolic acidosis but also cause respiratory alkalosis
metabolic acidosis with increase the anion gap

these are renal tube acidosis

type 4 leads to?
why common?

Type 4
low aldo goes to high K goes to low NH3 synthesis. common due to ACE inhibitors decreasing Aldo present

metabolic acidosis symptoms
less than 7.1?
long deep breaths at normal rate means?

addition or loss of?
lead to?
compensation? correction?

causes of metabolic alkalosis

Metabolic alkalosis symptoms
if mild?
more severe?

Respiratory acidosis
change in what?

causes of respiratory acidosis
anything that makes it harder to breath
drugs can do this

respiratory acidosis symptoms
acute (or acutely worsening chronic)?
slowly developing, stable?

Respiratory alkalosis
what changes?
leads to?

causes of respiratory alkalosis?
hypoxia like from high altitude or pneumonia or pulmonary embolism

respiratory alkalosis symptoms?
acute respiratory alkalosis?

henderson-hasselbalch equations math
if given pH and PCO2?
if given pH and HCO3-

winters formula for metabolic acidosis?
metabolic alkalosis formula?
(if hypokalemia nd urine Cl- is what?)
respiratory acidosis
respiratory alkalosis