PHYS 1 regulation of body fluid osmolality: Regulation of water balance Flashcards
what is needed to concentrate urine?
loop of henle’s role?
what causes collecting duct permeability?
Ascending limb maintains what difference/how much of a difference?
max osmolality of interstitium?
normal plasma osmo at tip of loop?
fluid leaving loop is what?

countercurrent multiplier (review)

countercurrent 1st step.
tubular fluid entering?
osmolality of interstitium and other body fluids?

Countercurrent 2nd step
what happens?
medullary interstitium?
water movement?

countercurrent 3rd step.
what happens?
continues until?
what effect does this have on tubular fluid?
equillibrium at the 3rd step is what?

countercurrent 4th step
what happens?
osmolality at different parts of loop.
(leaving, entering, through loop)

countercurrent 5th step
what happens?
additional flow of fluid from proximal tubule causes what?

countercurrent step 7
what happens
continues until?
interstitial fluid relationship with descending limb?
what happens in ascending limb?

importance of the vasa recta?
what does it do?
permeable to?
vasa recta maintain what via?

urea recycling
what is mainly impermeable?
where is it permeable?
what allows the movement?

what does the countercurrent exchange help establish?

what are the main causes of the medullary interstitial osmotic gradient?

synthesized where?
stimulated by what?
what is stimulated causing what?
how quick is the action?

what detects changes in osmolality?
how much can cause ADH release?
what else is stimulated?
which pathway is activated first?

Late distal tubule and collecting duct cell types?
First type
reabsorb/secrete what? via?
H2O? via? what stims? without it?
second type
reabsorb? secrete? via?
important for? what acts on the cell?

released from? in response to?
works on what?
how does this channel work?
what can increase/decrease aldosterone output?
increased aldosterone always promotes?

Aquaporin-2 channel implementation
inserted where?
fewer aquaporin from?
high aquaporin causes?
altering number of aquaporin alters what?

Cortical collecting duct and water?
medullary? (controlled by)
pathway for decreased plasma osmolality?

simple rules for ADH?
plasma osmolality values normal?
dehydrated plasma osmolality?

type of diabetes that has to due with water?
2 types?
- central? caused by?
causes? treatment via? receptor?
- nephrogenic? caused by?
what else can cause?

Central vs. nephrogenic
tell between the two how?
Nephrogenic DI can have what how would you help?

what causes excessive release of ADH (disease)
what is it? causes?
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

dilution is dependent on what?
overview of this segment of the nephron (the particular action and channels/transporters)

water excess
what must be removed? what shouldnt be removed?
what would happen across the nephron?
% filtered fluid reaches distal tubule how much fluid reabsorbed?

Water deficit
what happens?
max concentration at the end?

what is ti?
results usually from?
this can be caused by what stimuli?
rarely develops from?

what is it?
caused by?
often associated with?

urine volumes
what causes?

what is it?
usually associated with?
4 mechanisms for polyluria?
water diuresis vs solute diuresis
primary cause of each

obligatory urine volume?
what is minimum solute that must be excreted?
how do you calculate the minimum volume?
oliguria defined as urine output less than?

Free water clearance
+ vs - values?
in the example you would be dividing by 300

ratio of urine osmolarity
what is it?
what does it tell us?
>1 vs <1 vs 1

Conditions that increased osmolarity (serum, urine)
conditions that decrease osmolality (serum, urine)

what would a chart that showed the osmolarity and volume of tubular fluid look like?
what would ADH do?

Low urine osmolality. we also have high plasma osmolality. we would expect ADH to be used to decrease osmolality. since its not working diabetes insipidus. hit his head = neurogenic
Of note the point about urine osmo to plasma osmo to find if taking off urine and dehydrated is good to know