PHYS 2 Regulation of extracellular fluid volume and NaCl balance Flashcards
main cation in extra/intra cellular fluid?

what must be regulated in order to keep balance in ECF volume and osmolarity?
why do we need to keep them in balance?


patients with CHF have what? why?
what else happens?
this is counteracted in what ways?

what are osmoreceptors?
detect what?
located where?
what two functions?

ADH secretion
controlled by?
which is more sensitive?
low bp/bv?
small decreases?

Sensed volume on osmolality and ADH release

what types?
where do these send afferent? and efferent?
which is important in stimulating ADH secretion?

sodium balance and water balance problems manifest as what?


what does ADH respond to?
what is maintained? at the expense of what?
Decreased Na? increased?

volume sensors.
located where?
detect changes in what? results in?
if expanded? contracted?
what mechanisms (4)
what are the effects of these 4

secretion of renin
major mechanisms for the regulation of renin release
all stimulate what?

renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
explain the pathway from the beginning including enzymes and where released from.
also what are the end results?

produced by? and produces?
stored in? released when?
main action?
Natriuresis is Na secretion in urine
diuresis is increased or excessive urine production

regulation of salt balance in salt deficit and excess

Na+ excretion with volume expansion

Na+ excretion with volume contraction

defined as?
describes a state when?
this will cause?
this can cause?

different types of dehydration?

read the hyponatremia stuff here