PHYS 3 Regulation of potassium balance Flashcards

insulin and catecholamines effect on what transporters?

PT transport
what is usually nearly completely reabsorbed?
mostly reabsorbed?
what is secreted?
major mechanism?

early and late proximal tubule can also be named what?
K+ in proximal tubule reabsorption similar to what?
does this play a direct role?

K+ reabsorption in PT?
driven by?

Loop of Henle transport and medullary recycling
the 4 steps

when is K+ secreted or reabsorbed?
what determines?

What two cells are involved in K+ secretion?
what transporters for each?
most important factors that stimulate K+ secretion?

what cell reabsorbs K+?
most important factors?
what transporter?

major factor that regulates K+ secretion?
5 factors?

flow rate?
what type increases or decreases secretion?

what is the relationship between increased Na+ intake and increased tubular flow rate?
flow chart?

acute alkalosis
how would this happen?

acute acidosis
what process would cause this?

acute vs chronic acidosis
effects dependent on?
chronic stimulates what?

what stabalizes K+ secretion?
volume expansion?
high water intake?
volume contraction?

increased Na CL reabsorption upstream has what effect?
aldosterone is what type of hormone? induced by?
what about with Na restriction?