Phylum Lycopodiophtya And Phylum Monilophyta Flashcards
Phylum Lycopodiophyta includes which plants
Club misses
Spike misses
Phylum Lycopodiophyta characteristics
-microphylls leaves With singular vascular traces
-true roots
-sporangia have a close association with fertile leaves known as Sporophylls
The Sporophylls are often aggregated into ____ or ____ shaped _______
Strobili (strobilus)
Stems vary according to genus and species….. however what types aid steles are common
The sporangia are ______ walled which means they are
Producing one type of spore
Producing two types of spores (micro spores and megaspores)
In phylum Lycopodiophyta, the sperm are known as _____ and they are _____ or _______
Phylum Lycopodiophyta have only 3 living orders which are
Order Lycopodiales consists of only _____forms. The plants usually have _____ arranged leaves that are not associated with _____
Genus Lycopodium (Clubmosses)
-woodland throughout the forested area of MB
-small, sessile, and spiral in arrangement
-may be adaxial or abaxial or both
-all species have these and is where aerial branches develop.
-roots are delicate and dichotomously branched and are scattered along the underground portions of the stems.
Gametophytes of Lycopodium may be ______ or found on the ______
Surface of the ground
Gametophytes of Lycopodium
-size and shape
-8-25mm, vary (disc/carrot)
Antheridia and archegonia size in Lycopodium
Antheridia are massive and produce large numbers of biflagellate sperms
Archegonia vary in size
Order Selaginellales (spike mosses)
-stems and leaves
-spore types
-small and delicate
-trailing stems, dense spirally arranged leaves (microphylls), contains tongue like ligules
-strobili composed of Sporophylls bearing single sporangia on the adaxial Sporophyll surface.
-two kinds of spores (Heterospory)
-adventitious and grow directly from the prostrate stems
Spore production in class glossopsida which contains the order Selaginellales is associated with a profound change in the morphology of the gametophytes generation ……
Gametes develop within the spore with only the sex organs, antheridia and archegonia protruding.
Sporophyte plant produced two distinct types of sporangia.
-the male sporangia are called Microsporangia which produce microspores. These spores germinate and develop into male gametophytes, which will prince only antheridia.
-the female sporangia are called megasporangia and produce megaspores. The spores will germinate and develop into female gametophytes and produce only archegonia.
Mega and micro sporangia are borne on _____, which are aggregates into compact or loose____
Selaginella sp. (Spike moss) 3 Manitoba species and there habitats
-selaginella densa-dry sandy grasslands)
-Selaginella rulestris-rocky shield
-Selaginella Selaginelloides-acid bogs
Order Isoetales (Quill-worts)
-sporangia location
-how many spore types
-greatly shortened, upright with tufts of linear leaves giving the appearance of grass
-imbedded in the leaf base like
Manitoba Isoetale
Isoetes echinospora var. braunii
Margins or ponds and lakes in south eastern corner of province
The phylum Monilophyta includes the _____
Leaves of ferns are known as
The sporangia of Monilophyta are of which two distinct kinds
Eusporangia- relatively large, sessile or with massive stalks and contain a large number of spores enclosed by a several layered sporangia wall.
(Classes Psilotpsida and Equisetopsida)
Letosproangia-sporangia are much more delicate, are protuberant on thin sporangia stalk, sporangia walls are thin, numbers of spores per sporangium are in multiples of twos.
(Classe Polypodiopsida)
In the phylum Monilophyta, both ___ and ____ferns are known
The sporangia or phylum Monilophyta are usually Borne where
On the abaxial (lower) surface or margin of the lead, or occasionally on special fronds.
gametophyte characteristics of phylum Monilophyta
-free living “pro thallus”
-antherozoids are multiflagellate
A typical fern has an underground rhizome and a steel arrangement which may be a _____ or ______.
The roots are ______, small and _____
Siphonostele (several types)
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Psilotopsida
Order Ophioglossales
-sporangia are thick walled and borne on a fertile spike which projects from the upper surface of the leaf.
-sporophyte stem is short and fleshy.
-non-circulate venation (does not uncoil)
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Psilotopsida
Order Ophioglossales
Ophioglossum sp.
-common name
-leaves and sporangia
-Adders tongue ferns
-one or two lanceolate leaves (shaped like the head of a spear), with an erect unbranched modified fertile segment bearing two rows of sporangia near the summit.
Rare in Manitoba
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Psilotopsida
Order Ophioglossales
Botrychium sp. characteristics
Grape ferns
-large clustered sporangia on the fertile portion of the frond. This frond has a single common stalk from which clusters of sporangia arise at the apex, and sterile, pinnately divided leaf segments arise below.
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Filicales characteristics
-sporangia type
-sporophyte axis is usually…
-leptosporangia, small thin walled and scattered or grouped into Sori which are marginal or abaxial on the fronds.
-long and rhizomatous
-very diverse from simple to pinnately compound.
The arrangement of young leaves in a leaf bud before it opens
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Filicales
Gametophyte characteristics
Called Prothalli
-found on moist soil or in rock crevices in the vicinity of the parent fern colonies.
-flattened foliage appearance and is often heart shaped.
-only 1 cell thick at margins and several cells near Center.
-underside covered by numerous rhizoids
-usually monoecious (both male and female organs) but somewhat protandrous (male gametes produced earlier).
-antheridia are protuberant and the Becks if the archegonia project from the thallus surface.
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Filicales
Sperm are _____flagellate
In ferns, why do the spermatids move towards the archegonia
Result of chemo tactic response
-moist habitat and ventral position of sex organs enhance the opportunity for fertilization
Further growth of the gametophyte ceases in ferns after what?
It’s archegonia have been fertilized
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Salviniales contains which two families
Family Marsileaceae
-delicate aquatic ferns
-roots embedded in the bottom of ponds , lakes and streams
-leaves are floating
-sporangia are borne in special nut-like structures called sporocarps (reduced fertile leaves)
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Salviniales
Family Marsileaceae
Marsilea sp.
-common name
-leaf unfolding
-water shamrocks
-shallow ponds and ditches (amphibious)
-elongate, branching stolon-like stem that grows on the surface of mud or slightly below it
-leaves in 2 rows but opposites, may be floating leaves, submerged leaves or aerial leaves.
-unfold in circinate fashion
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Salviniales
Family Salvineaceae
-common name
-species names
-sporangia and spore types
-water ferns
-Salvinia and Azolla
-leptosporangiate, sporangia found in sporocarps
Phylum Monilophyta
Class Polypodiopsida
Order Salviniales
Family Salvineaceae
Salvinia sp.
-rootless, the apparent roots being morphologically filiform leaf segments.
-in whorls of 3, two of which are floating and the third is submerged. The submerged leaf is then divided in two rootlike lobes.
Where meiosis occurs to produce spores
Modified leaves that bear sporangia
In ferns: sori
In lycopods: strobili
Adult structure of plant in alteration of generations
A hollow unicellular or multicellular structure in which meiosis occurs to produce spores
Diploid cell in a spore-producing plant that produces four haploid spores through meiosis
Reproductive cell, usually unicellular, capable of developing into an adult without fusion with another cell
A modified lead or leaflike organ that bears sporangia
A sporangium in which megaspores are produced
A sporangium in which microspores are produced
Mega Sporophyll
Micro Sporophyll
A leaf or leaflike structure bearing either a megasporangium or microsporangium
Mega sporocytes
Micro sporocytes
A diploid cell in which meiosis will occur, resulting in 4 megaspores or microspores
Egg producing structure
Sperm producing structure
A reproductive structure consisting of a number of modified leaves (Sporophylls) or ovule-bearing scales grouped terminally on a stem
In exosporic species, the smaller spores germinate into free-living male gametophytes and the larger spores germinate into free-living female gametophytes. In endosporic species, the gametophytes of both sexes are very highly reduced and contained within the spore wall.
The haploid structure in alternation of generations
Monoecious” is translated as “single house,” meaning that male and female flowers are found on a single individual. This contrasts with the translation of dioecious, which is “double house.” This means that male flowers are on one plant and female flowers are on another plant.
- Eusporangiate: large sporangium develops from many initial cells and produces many spores. Relatively large sporangia that produces large number of spores covered by layers of sporangia wall
2.Leptosporangiate: small sporangium develops from single initial cell and produces small definite number of spores. Delicate sporangia on thin stalks. Subject to external environment.
Each sorus is covered by a thin membranous structure
Lip cells
Where sporangia wall ruptures
Method of asexual reproduction by means of stem fragments or buds in Lycopodium sp.
Life cycle of Selaginella sp.
Spike Moss
-rooted sporophyte has strobilus with ligule
-micro sporocysts within microsporangium go under meiosis to produce microspores on microsporophyll
-mega sporocysts within megasporagniun undergo meiosis to produce megaspores on megasporophyll
-microspores become male gametophyte =antheridium with sperm
-megapsores become female gametophyte = archegonium with egg
-fertilization Produces zygote which developes into sporophyte
Life cycle of Polypodium sp.
-sporophyte has rhizome, adventitious roots and fronds.
-each frond has many Sori containing the sporangia (covered by indusium)
-sporangium containing sporocysts that undergo meiosis to produce spores
-spores germinate into gametophyte (prothallus)
-prothallus has antheridium and archegonium to produce sperm and egg
-fertilization produces zygote
-sporophyte developes on gametophyte to produce fiddle head and then sporophyte
Lifecycle is Isoetes sp.
-sporophyte has microphylls and roots contain micro and megasporagjun with ligules
-microsporangium and megasporangiuk contain micro and megasporocytes that undergo meiosis to produce microspores and megaspores
-megaspores become archegonium
-microspores become antheridium
-archegonium have egg and antheridium have sperm
-young sporophyte develops
Life cycle of Lycopodium sp.
-sporophyte has rhizome, roots and microphylls with strobilus
-strobilus houses sporangium surrounded with Sporophylls with sporocytes
-sporocytes undergo meiosis to produce a tetrad of spores
-develop into gametophyte with archegonium and antheridium
-fertilization of egg and sperm results in sporophyte developing on gametophyte.