Phylogeny Flashcards
Location of endostyle
Ventral side of pharynx
Distinguishing features of parareptilia
- anapsid skull
Who are the sarcopterygiians?
Fleshy-finned fish (osteichthyes)
Describe adult form of urochordate
Sessile, filter feeder, has pharyngeal slits, endostyle, incurrent & excurrent siphons, atrium, digestive system
What does the muscular pharyngeal pump of vertebrates replace in urochordates and cephalochordates?
Cilia in pharynx
Synapomorphy of eureptilia
diapsid skull (2 pairs of temporal fenestrae)
How can amniotes be identified/differentiated?
By temporal fenestrae
What is eureptilia divided up into?
Lepidosauria, Archosauria
Evolutionary advantages of cranium
Protects brain & sensory organs, allowing the brain to grow bigger and better -> Allows more complex & maneuverable body
Distinguishing features of Monotremes
- Embryos develop in leathery-shelled eggs (vs. other mammals: live birth)
- Cloaca (shared opening for urinary, excretory, reproductive releases)
Describe pharyngeal slits
Slits in chamber posterior to mouth, present during at least some point of development of chordates (lost in most adult species, kept under gills in fish)
Polyphyletic group (def)
taxa not descended from an immediate common ancestor
Teleostei refers to…
A diverse subgroup of Actinopterygii
Describe anatomy of notochord
Cell core, fibrous sheath, ventral to hollow nerve cord
Function of endostyle
Produce mucus, process iodine (homologous to vertebrate thyroid - processes iodine, produces HORMONES)
Cyclostomes refers to…
Agnathans (cyclo-: round, -stomes: mouth -> round-mouthed)
What’s special about Myxinoidean body fluids?
Isosmotic w/sea water (v. salty)
Phylogeny (def)
Evolutionary history of any group of organisms
Secondary loss (def)
Loss of a character shared with an ancestor
Pleisiomorphy (def)
Ancestral (inherited) character; relative to taxon under consideration
5 shared traits of chordates
- dorsal hollow nerve cord
- endostyle/thyroid
- pharyngeal slits
- postanal tail
- notochord
Advantages of muscular pharyngeal pump over cilia
- higher volume flow rate -> eat more, grow bigger
- more damage-resistant
- move large particles against a force
- cilia lining the pharynx limits size
Synapomorphy (def)
Derived character shared by 2+ taxa; relative to taxa under consideration
Advantages of jaws & paired fins together
- Allow hunting/more food sources -> can increase metabolic rate & activity
Describe cranium as vertebrate synapomorphy: embryonic origin, function
from neural crest cells & mesenchyme; protects brain & sensory organs, provides structural support, needed for jaws in jawed species
Reason for motile urochordate larvae
Can disperse to find new living sites (not for finding food b/c don’t really eat during the <1 day larval stage)
Traits of amphibia
- aquatic larvae metamorphose to (semi-)terrestrial adults
- thin, scaleless, mucus-covered skin for cutaneous respiration
- anamniotic eggs: must be kept moist or will dessicate
Synapomorphies of Aves
Air sacs of respiratory system (incl. hollow bones)
Who are the actinopterygiians?
The ray-finned fish (osteichthyes)
Location of dorsal hollow nerve cord
Dorsal to digestive tract