Muscles 1 Flashcards
Function of axial muscles in birds & mammals
Epaxial stabilize vertebral column
Hypaxials for protective body wall (esp. in lumbar region - no ribs), 3 layers hold in viscera & move trunk - all tetrapods
Hypaxials expand/compress ribcage for ventilation - all amniotes
Describe the appendicular muscles of anurans
(frogs, toads) large, for jumping
Function of muscles
Provide force for movement - skeletal or internal
Where does the muscle in the walls of blood vessels come from?
Either mesenchyme or splanchnic hypomere mesoderm
Function of hypobranchial muscles in jawed fish?
- open jaw
- move tongue
- expand buccal & branchial cavities
Which muscles does splanchnic hypomere mesoderm give rise to?
Smooth around some blood vessels & in digestive tract lining
From where do hypobranchial muscles arise?
anterior/ventral growth of somites
Describe the appendicular muscles of caecilians
None - 2° loss (use lateral undulation)
How are axial muscles divided?
Into myomeres along length of body
Epaxial above horizontal septum, hypaxial below
Function of branchiomeric muscles in tetrapods
open/close mouth
in middle ear
facial muscles
muscles for branchial arches III-VII reduced, in larynx/pharynx/pectoral girdle & forelimbs
Where does the smooth muscle around the digestive tract come from?
Some from splanchnic hypomere mesoderm, some (around visceral organs) from mesenchyme
Axial muscle function in tetrapods with sprawled limb posture
Provide force for lateral undulation (locomotion not taken over by limbs)
Which muscles does myotome epimere mesoderm (somites) give rise to?
Most skeletal muscle (axial & appendicular), hypobranchial (from anterioventral growth)
Describe the appendicular muscles of tetrapods, in general
more prominent than in fish & divided into several groups for complex motion; even helped by some axial (& branchial, in forelimbs) muscles
General function of branchiomeric muscles
Form muscular pharyngeal pump by attaching to splanchnocranium branchial arches