Axial skeleton Flashcards
Centra type: Chondrichthyes
Procoelous vertebrae (def)
Anterior: concave
Posterior: convex
Entire centrum solid with cartilaginous intervertebral disks
What structure carries blood vessels to the head through the cervical vertebra(e)?
Transverse foramen
Describe vertebrae of gnathostomes, generally (compared to early vertebrates & agnathans)
Vertebrae are main axial support, attachment site for body muscles
Amphicoelous vertebrae (def)
Centra concave on both ends, surrounds notochord from head to tail
Effect of neural spine angle on function
Grow to better withstand forces by making them compressive
Describe agnathan ribs
Form & function of ribs in gnathostomes
Cartilage/replacement bone struts
Muscle attachment, protect viscera
Opisthocoelous vertebrae (def)
Anterior: convex
Posterior: concave
Centrum solid, with cartilaginous intervertebral disks
Who has lots of cervical vertebrae & why?
Aves, parareptilia -> allows greater flexibility
Centra type: Osteichthyes
Describe the axial skeleton of Myxinoidea
None -> 2° loss
Sacrum: structure & function
Fused sacral vertebrae supporting pelvic girdle
Strong -> can withstand hind limb forces
Who has procoelous or opisthocoelous vertebrae?
Most sauropsids (except aves), many amphibians (not all)
Heterocoelous vertebrae (def)
Both ends saddle-shaped
Vertebrae can move in different directions relative to each other (flexible)
Cartilaginous intervertebral disks
Centra type: Mammals
Describe the axial skeleton of Petromyzontida
DORSAL (only) cartilaginous arches protecting spinal cord; no muscle connection or body support
Describe the axial skeleton of Osteichthyes
Centra: Major axial support, surrounds notochord
Neural arches & hemal arches
Neural spines & ribs are large for muscle attachment
Function of intervertebral ligaments
Control/limit flexibility & movement of vertebral column