PHUB : Intro into Network addressing Flashcards
Networks can be defined as _____________________?
- Networks can be defined as :
- a collection of interconnected hosts
- generally via shared media which can be wired or wireless .
- this enables the hosts to share information
- a computer network can be as simple as two computers connected by a single wire.
- a collection of interconnected hosts
the internet is a network of ____________?
For any device to communicate to one another , they should be able to __________ each other.
There are two ways to identify a device on a network.
what are they?
- mac address
- IP address
define a MAC address ?
- MAC address:
- is a factory coded 48-bits hardware address
- used when devices are logically connected.
when are IP addresses used?
- IP address :
- is used when the devices are not logically conneted
true or false all devices are given a logical address.
this logical address is called the Internet Protocol address .
what does OSI stand for ?
Open System Interconnection.
OSI is a ___________ ________ ________ .
layered conceptualized model.
The OSI defines how a _________ should communicate with the other .
what is layer 7 of the OSI model ?
Application layer
what is layer 6 of the OSI model?
Presentation layer
what is layer 5 of the OSI model ?
Session Layer
Name the 4th layer of the OSI model .
Transport layer
What is layer of 3 of the OSI model ?
Network Layer
Name layer 2 of the OSI model.
Data Link layer
What is layer 1 of the OSI model?
physical layer
Descibe the characteristics of the Application layer.
- application layer:
- This is where the user application sits
- it needs to transfer data between or among hosts
- example: file transfer application(FTP) , electronic mail
- this layer is also the only layer that the user interacts with.
- allows acess for the user to get varied network services
the session layer controls ….?
all connections between multiple devices in a network
what layer tracks dialoge between devices on a network ?
session layer
the transport layer is used to …..?
transfer data between applications
what layer is responsible for ened to end communication on a network?
the transport layer
the network layer knows the …..?
address of treh nearby nodes in a network
the majority of teh internet uses….. ?
TCP/IP suite
the three top layers of teh OSI model are compressed together in a single …..?
application layer of the TCP/IP model
the TCP/IP has what layers ?
- host to network layer (link layer)
- internet layer
- transport layer
- application layer
what layer is the lowest in the TCP/IP model ?
link layer
the TCP/IP link layer comprises what two layers?
- Physical
- Data link layer
what is the top layer of the TCP/IP model?
application layer
the application layer of the TCP/IP model defines….?
the interface of host programs w/ the transport layers services
consider any data , it is a combination of …?
0s and 1s
the internet works by ….?
chopping data into chucks called packets
a data packet or network packet is ….?
a collection name of several components
the internet layer of the TCP/IP models defines …..?
the protocols for logical transmission of data over a network
what is the main protocol of the TCP/IP internet layer?
Internet Protocol(IP)
The transport layer of the TCP/IP is responsible for …..?
error free end to end delivery fo data
What are the main protocols of the TCP/IP transport layer
- Transmission Control Protocol
- User datagram Protocol (UDP)
what are TCP packets called ?
UDP packets ar called ….?
class B IP addresses range from …?
128.0.x.x to 191.255.x.x.
what is the default subnet mask for class B addresses ?
class B has ________ network addresses and __________ host addresses
16384 , 65534
class C addresses range from …..?
192.0.0.x. to 223.255.255.x.
what is the defualt subnet mask for class C?
what is class D’s ip address range? to
class D is reserved for ….?
in multicasting ,data is not destined for a particular ….?
does class D gave a subnet mask?
what IP class is reserved for experimental purposes only for R&D and study?
class E
IP addresses in class E range from….? ro
is class E equipped with a subnet mask ?
Subnetting is the practice of dividing a network ……?
into two or mor smaller networks
subnetting increases…..?
routing efficiency , enhances teh security of the network
subnetting also reduces the size of the….?
broadcast domain
subnetting allows us to create …..?
smaller networks from a single large network
if all hosts are in the same domain than a broadcast sent by any device in that domain will be ….?
processed by all hosts.
which would create alot of unnessary traffic