Phrases to use in class Flashcards
He aha te rerenga kōrero pakeha?
What is the english sentence?
What is the english sentence?
He aha te rerenga kōrero pakeha?
He pātai tāku
I have a question
I have a question
He pātai tāku
He whakaaro tōku
I have a thought/idea
I have a thought/idea
He whakaaro tōku
He aha te tikanga o te kupu X?
What is the meaning of the word X?
What is the meaning of the word X?
He aha te tikanga o te kupu X?
He aha te kupu X i te reo Māori?
What is the word X in Māori?
What is the word X in Māori?
He aha te kupu X i te reo Māori?
Hei tauira
For example
For example
Hei tauira
Mā wai e tīmata?
Who will start?
Who will start?
Mā wai e tīmata?
I will
Māku e tīmata
I will start
I will
I will start
Māku e tīmata
You will
Māu e tīmata
You will start
You will start
Māu e tīmata
He/she will
Māna e tīmata
He/she will start
He/she will start
Māna e tīmata
Mā Jamie
Jamie will
Mā Jamie e tīmata
Jamie will start
Jamie will start
Mā Jamie e tīmata
Mō taku hē
I’m sorry (the fault was mine)
I’m sorry (the fault was mine)
Mō taku hē
You will
He /she will
Jamie will
Mā Jamie
Kei a wai ināianaei?
Whose turn is it now?
Whose turn is it now?
Kei a wai ināianaei?
Kei a Jamie ināianaei
Its Jamie’s turn now
Its Jamie’s turn now
Kei a Jamie ināianaei
Kei a Koe ināianaei
it’s your turn now
it’s your turn now
Kei a Koe ināianaei
Kei a ia ināianaei
it’s hi/her turn now
it’s hi/her turn now
Kei a ia ināianaei
Kei a au ināianaei
it’s my turn now
it’s my turn now
Kei a au ināianaei
E rapu ana au
I am looking/searching
I am looking/searching
E rapu ana au
E whakaaro ana au
I am thinking
I am thinking
E whakaaro ana au
E whakaharatau ana au
I am practicing
I am practicing
E whakaharatau ana au
E ako ana au
I am learning
I am learning
E ako ana au