Akoranga Tuawhā Flashcards
E hia ōu tau?
How old are you?
How old are you?
E hia ōu tau?
Toru tekau mā whā ōku tau.
I am 34. (My years are 34)
I am 34. (My years are 34)
Toru tekau mā whā ōku tau.
E hia?
How many?
How many?
E hia?
E hia ngā kurī?
How many dogs are there?
How many dogs are there?
E hia ngā kurī?
E rua ngā kurī.
There are two dogs.
There are two dogs.
E rua ngā kurī.
Kotahi te kurī.
There is one dog.
There is one dog.
Kotahi te kurī.
Tokohia ngā kuia?
How many elderly women?
How many elderly women?
Tokohia ngā kuia?
Tokotoru ngā kuia.
Three elderly women.
Three elderly women.
Tokotoru ngā kuia.
Kātahi anō…ka
‘Only just’ Sentences:
‘Only just’ Sentences:
Kātahi anō…ka
Hei tauira
For example:
For example:
Hei tauira
Kātahi anō ahau ka oti taku mahi kāinga
I only just finished my homework.
I only just finished my homework.
Kātahi anō ahau ka oti taku mahi kāinga
Kātahi anō ia ka tīmata te mahi
He only just started the job.
He only just started the job.
Kātahi anō ia ka tīmata te mahi
Kātahi anō rātou ka wehe te marae
They (3+) only just left the marae.
They (3+) only just left the marae.
Kātahi anō rātou ka wehe te marae
Kupu Tūhono
Joining Words
Joining Words
Kupu Tūhono
Kei te harae mātou ki te tātahi engari kāore a Pita e haere mai ana
are going to the beach but Pita is not coming.
are going to the beach but Pita is not coming.
Kei te harae mātou ki te tātahi engari kāore a Pita e haere mai ana
Ahakoa he pōuri ia, i haere tonu ia ki te whakangahau
Although she was
sad she still went to the concert.
Although she was
sad she still went to the concert.
Ahakoa he pōuri ia, i haere tonu ia ki te whakangahau
Nō reira
Nō reira
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
greetings, greetings, greetings to you all.
greetings, greetings, greetings to you all.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
Kātahi, ka
Kātahi, ka
Ka haere a Mere ki te kura, kātahi, ka haere ia ki te toa
Mere will go to
the school then she will go to the store.
Mere will go to
the school then she will go to the store.
Ka haere a Mere ki te kura, kātahi, ka haere ia ki te toa
Nā te mea
Nā te mea
Kāore ahau i mahi tāku mahi kāinga nā te mea tino pukumahi ahau i tērā
wiki .
I did not do my homework because I was very busy last week.
I did not do my homework because I was very busy last week.
Kāore ahau i mahi tāku mahi kāinga nā te mea tino pukumahi ahau i tērā
wiki .
Mehemea, Mēnā,
Mehemea ka whakapaipai te whare i te rā nei, māku koe e āwhi
If you
tidy up the house today, I will help you.
If you
tidy up the house today, I will help you.
Mehemea ka whakapaipai te whare i te rā nei, māku koe e āwhi
Mēnā, Mehemea
Mēnā ka karanga atu ahau ki tāku kurī, ka hoki mai ia -
If I call (out) to my
dog, he will return.
If I call (out) to my
dog, he will return.
Mēnā ka karanga atu ahau ki tāku kurī, ka hoki mai ia -
Heoi anō
Heoi anō
I haere ahau ki te whare o Paora, heoi anō, kāore ahau i kite i a ia
I went to Paora’s house, however, I did not see him.
I went to Paora’s house, however, I did not see him.
I haere ahau ki te whare o Paora, heoi anō, kāore ahau i kite i a ia
And, linking two sentences
And, linking two sentences
Ka haere ahau ki te whare hokomaha, ā, ka haere ahau ki te wāhi kai
I will go to the supermarket and I will go to the restaurant.
I will go to the supermarket and I will go to the restaurant.
Ka haere ahau ki te whare hokomaha, ā, ka haere ahau ki te wāhi kai
kupu Māori
and (in an object list eg shopping)
and (in an object list eg shopping)
kupu Māori
He āporo me ngā ārani
Apples and oranges
Apples and oranges
He āporo me ngā ārani
in an adjective list? ie colours, check understanding?
in an adjective list? ie colours, check understanding?
He pango, he mā, he whero hoki ngā tae o te haki Maōri
The Māori flag
is black, white and red
The Māori flag
is black, white and red
He pango, he mā, he whero hoki ngā tae o te haki Maōri
rāua ko
joining two people
joining two people
rāua ko
Ko Forest rāua ko Kimberley
Forest and Kimberley
Forest and Kimberley
Ko Forest rāua ko Kimberley
rātau ko
joining three people
joining three people
rātau ko
Ko Aria rātou ko Bria, ko Cohen āku tamariki
Aria, Bria and Cohen are
my children.
Aria, Bria and Cohen are
my children.
Ko Aria rātou ko Bria, ko Cohen āku tamariki
Negate the sentence:
Kei te haere ia
She is going
Kāore ia i te haere
She is not going
Kāore ia i te haere
She is not going
Negate the sentence:
E oma ana koutou
You (3+) are running
Kāore koutou e oma ana
You (3+) are not running
Kāore koutou e oma ana
You (3+) are not running
Negate the sentence:
I katakata a Mere
Mere laughed
Kāore a Mere i katakata
Mere did not laugh
Kāore a Mere i katakata
Mere did not laugh
Negate the sentence:
Ka tangi rātou
They (3+) will cry
Kāore rātou e tangi
They (3+) will not cry
Kāore rātou e tangi
They (3+) will not cry
Negate the sentence:
Kua oho te pēpi
The baby has woken
Kāore anō te pēpi kia oho
The baby has not yet woken
Kāore anō te pēpi kia oho
The baby has not yet woken
Negate the sentence:
Kei runga te kapu i te
The cup is on the table
Kāore te kapu i runga i te
The cup is not on the table
Kāore te kapu i runga i te
The cup is not on the table
Negate the sentence:
He māhanga rāua
They (2) are twins
Ehara rāua i te māhanga
They (2) are not twins
He māhanga rāua
They (2) are twins
Negate the sentence:
E noho!
Kaua e noho!
Don’t sit!
She is not going
Kāore ia i te haere
You (3+) are not running
Kāore koutou e oma ana
Mere did not laugh
Kāore a Mere i katakata
They (3+) will not cry
Kāore rātou e tangi
The baby has not yet woken
Kāore anō te pēpi kia oho
The cup is not on the table
Kāore te kapu i runga i te
They (2) are not twins
Ehara rāua i te māhanga
Don’t sit!
Kaua e noho!
How do you negate ‘Kua’ sentences?
we use ‘Kāore anō…kia’.
‘Kāore anō…kia’
‘has not yet’
‘have not yet’.
Kua tangi te pere
The bell has rung
The bell has rung
Kua tangi te pere
Kāore anō te pere kia tangi-
The bell has not yet rung
The bell has not yet rung
Kāore anō te pere kia tangi-
Kua hiakai te ngeru
The cat has become hungry
The cat has become hungry
Kua hiakai te ngeru
Kāore anō te ngeru kia hiakai
The cat has not yet become hungry
The cat has not yet become hungry
Kāore anō te ngeru kia hiakai
Kua wehe rāua
They (2) have left
They (2) have left
Kua wehe rāua
Kāore anō rāua kia wehe
They (2) have not yet left
They (2) have not yet left
Kāore anō rāua kia wehe