Phrases (Common) Flashcards
go for a walk / drive
dar un paseo
dar una vuelta
he/she/it looks
se ve
“ese hombre se ve cansado”
(how something or someone appears visually or gives an impression)
he/she/it seems like (comparison)
se parece a
“ese hombre se parece a su hermano”
(indicates resemblance or similarity to something or someone else)
I’m looking forward to it
estoy deseando que llegue
sometimes it sounds like Spanish
a veces suena a español.
I do what I can
hago lo que puedo
what is cooking?
Qué se está cocinando?
I’m joking
estoy bromeando
it’s true
es cierto (factual accuracy)
la verdad (subjective tone)
we get along well
nos llevamos bien
Was it you / you guys?
fuiste tu?
fueron ustedes?
I’m planning to go to the movies tomorrow.
“pienso ir al cine mañana”
“estoy planeando ir al cine mañana.” (actively organzing)
The phrase tener pensado is also used to express that you have something in mind or are planning to do something.
It makes me laugh
me da risa
how long have you been here?
cuánto tiempo llevas aquí?
I’ve been waiting for an hour
hace una hora que espero
llevo una hora esperando
It’s what I told you
es lo que te dije
Why did it take you so long?
por qué tardaste tanto?
I’m not putting you on the spot
no te expongo
I haven’t thought about it
no lo he pensado
I will stay here
me quedo aqui
do you have any ____ left?
te quedan _____ ?
what do you think?
como ves?
que piensas?
que te parece?
I’ll be right back
ya vuelvo
I hope so
espero que si
I hope not
espero que no