Interrogatives Flashcards
Who / Whose
de quién es este mobile? — whose phone is this?
of who
de quién hablas? — who are you talking about?
with who
con quién vas al cine? — who are you going to the movies with?
to who
a quién le diste el regalo? — who did you give the gift to?
of what
de qué están hablando? — what are they talking about?
de qué es hecho la mesa? — what is the table made of?
in what
en qué trabajas? — in what do you work?
with what
con qué haces la salsa? — what do you make the sauce with?
for what
para qué estudias tanto? — what are you studying so much for? (purpose)
of which
de cuál estás hablando? — which one are you talking about?
in which
en cuál vas a viajar? — which one are you going to travel in?
through which
por cuál camino vamos? — through which path are we going?
to where
a dónde vas? — where are you going to?
of where
de dónde eres? — where are you from?
in where
en dónde vives? — where do you live? (optional)
How many/much
cuánto dinero tienes? — how much money do you have?
por cuánto tiempo ? — for how long… ?
a cuánto vendes las manzana? — how much do you sell apples for?