Phrases (2) Flashcards
I would have…
I would have been here
كنت [past tense verb]
I would have been here
كنت بكون هون
I was going to…
كنت رح [Present Tense Verb]
Every Morning
كل يوم صبح
Across The Street
عا قَطِعِة الطَريق
Clear As Crystal
واضِح مِتل ضوء الشَّمْس
All Day
كل النهار
At Night
Last Night
ليلة مبارح
By The Way…
As Soon As Possible
بأسرع وقت مُمكن
I Feel Like…
طالع على بالي
One Day (In The Past)
كان في يوم
I should focus on [verb]
لازم ركّز على إنّه [verb]
For Myself and for you
لحالي و لإلَك
How is…
كيف [congugate] إسم
Took 10 out of 20
The difference between good and evil
الفَرق بَين الخَطأ و الصَواب (senior)
الفَرق بَين الغَلَط و الصَح (junior)
What is the origin of human beings.
شو أصِل الإنسان
أصِل الإنسان من القِرد
I need (really I can't live without) I needed (in past)
بَحاجِة (ل)
بحاجة إلَك
(No ل when talking about direct person)
بحاجة ليسوع، لمُخَلِّص ،لإله
أنا كنت بحاجة
(Conjugate كان)
Does life have meaning.
الحياة إلها مِعْنَى
God be with them.
الله بيكون معهن
You cannot earn Salvation.
ما فيك تآخد خلاص
Literally… You can’t take salvation.
Close to the [something]
Far from [something]
قَريب من …
بعيد عن ….
The Mother/Father of…
إمّه ل [إسم]
Thank you for the…
شكرًا على ال….
I have never seen…
ولا مرة ما شفت
Use ولا مرة
Truth is the way things really are
الحق هو حقيقية كَيْفيِّة الإشيا
Turn from sin and follow Jesus
برجع عن خَطِيِّة و بلحق يسوع
We Sin Against God
منخْطِي تِجاه الله
Me and You
أنا و ياك
I am still…
أنا بعدني عَم …
You need the عَم.
أنا بعدني نايم.
I keep…verb
أنا بضَلِّني إخطي
أنتَ بتضَلِّك تخطي
إنتِ بتضَلِّك هون.
I will continue to [verb]
رح كَفّي [verb]
No need for عَمّ
I Took From You Your Time
أخدت منَك وَقَّتَك
A Day Before
قَبل بْيَوم
Say quickly
Why Did God Create Me
شو سبب (هدف) خَلْقْ الله إلي
Everyone and Some People
كل واحد. (Congugate like هو)
بعض الناس (Congugate like هن)
I Couldn’t Care Less
Negative Conotation
{ أنا } مِش فِرْقانِة مع { ي }
Match the congugation
Not Interested In
الله ما بيهمّه شَكلي
[2] + [1]. verb [2]. [1]
Use female singular for non human plural.
That Day
That Time
I Trust Jesus…
كِرمال خلاصي
إنه رح يعطيني الخلاص
I Don’t Want To Miss The Meaning
ما بَدّي يفوتني المَعنَى
Meaning (m) so ي
Me so ني
Everything became …
صار كل شي … واضح
How much did they cost?
قدَيش كَلَّفو
Maybe it will happen with me
ممكن يصير معي
Wait For Me A Bit
نْطُرني شوي
نْطُريني شوي
نْطُروني شوي
- He is happier than her
هوّ مبسوت أكتر منا
- I am the happiest [one] here.
أنا أكتر واحد مبسوت هون
- I’m the smallest
- I’m the smallest child
أنا الأزغر
أنا أزغر ولد
Don’t allow me to use my strength with you.
ما تكلّيني إستعمِل قُوِّتي معك
I pass by them
Use for ‘I go by…’
يمرُق من حدن
Last But Not Least
آخيراً وليسَ آخِراً
What is the point
Must always have an object
شو الفِكْرَة من وَرا [object]
I don’t want to sin anymore.
ما بَقى بَدّي إخطي
هنّ ما بَقى بَدّهن يخطو
I was still talking
كان بعدني عم إحكي
I give God control of my life
بعطي الله السَيْطَرَة على حياتي
My name is… What is your kind name
الإسم الكَريم
I’m making myself busy
شَاغِل حالي
I don’t want anymore…
ما بقَى بَدّي …
I don’t have the heart.
ما إلّي قَلِب
We’re talking the same thing.
عم نِحكِي بنَفْس الإتِجاه
I feel …
I want to be
بحسّ حالي [adjective not physical]
بحسّ [adjective physical]
بَدّي كون [adj dir]
It’s been a long time since…
صار إل[…] من زمان ما […]
Say fast.
I have no idea
ما عندي ولا فِكْرَة
Get a hold if yourself.
Be encouraged.
شِدّ حالَك
شِدّ حالِك
Tighten The Screws
Tighten their screws, etc
شِدِّله بْراغِيه
شِدِّلُهن بْراغِيُهن
What do I know
شُو بِيْعَرِّفنِي
May it be pleasant for you.
If someone invites you and you don’t want to eat.
مَطرح ما يسْرُو يمْرُو
Nothing remains
ما بِقِي شي
ما في شي بِقِي
I want you to have…
بَدّي ياك يكون عندك…
I got disappointed (singular)
I got disappointed (plural)
He gets disappointed.
No object.
أنا خاب أمَلي
أنا خابت آمالي
هو بيخِيب أمَله
Somebody is sad but then they finally become happy.
Literally their smile appeared.
بان سن
Conjugate سن
Everything is going smoothly
كل شي عم يكْرُج كِرِج
It’s been a long time since someone nice appeared.
زمان هالقَمَر ما بان
I think to myself out loud
بفكِّر لحالي على صَوت عالي
What is in common with them
شُ الشّي المُشْتَرَك بيناتن
Wasn’t it worth it?
Was it worth it?
ما كانت حِرْزانِة
كانت حِرْزانِة
I want to hit you with the ball.
I will throw for you the ball.
The ball hit you so you should go up to the outside.
هي ضَرَبِتَك فلازم تطلع لبرّا.
What’s the cost?
قدَيش حَق
Congugate حق
I’m dieing for…
مِسْتَأْتِل …
This Friday, etc
هيدا النهار جُومع
I’m cooked / I’m done
He started to…
صار … يضحَك.
It’s not enough
مِش بيكَفِّي
I pay for someone
I pay for things
بِدفَع عنهن
بِدفَع حَقهن
How much time do you have
قدَيش معَك وَقْت
I’ll take it as a promise
If someone says, “We’ll eat together” etc
وَعْد الحُرّ دَين
Without a brain
Without understanding
بَلا مُخّ
بَلا فِهِم
Don’t challenge me.
شو بَيك! ما تِطْلَع (فوقي / بالعَالي)
Life is shredding me
Why are you shredding me? (Acting very harsh)
My life is shredded (destroyed)
الحياة عم تبرشني
Don’t step over the line
ما تِفشُخ إدّام/فوق الخط
I didn’t mean it
That’s not what I meant
مِش بِقَصدي
On your face I see the moon
Say when full moon - She is pretty
على وِجِك شفت القَمَر
When I reached the age of…
لمّا وْصِلْت على عُمْر ال…
I have lust / desire for…
عَندي شَهْوِة للأكل
عَندي شَهْوِة للجِِنْس (negative)
I became / I started
Use صار for a natural reaction.
Use بلّش for a planned/determined reaction.
There is no way
مافي مَجال
مِش مُمكِن
Leave from a person
Leave from a persons place
من (name)
“From them directly”
من عند (name)
“From the persons place”
I don’t want to gain weight.
ما بَدّي إنسَح
ما بَدّي زيد وَزنِي
It doesn’t interest me
It doesn’t matter
It doesn’t affect me
ما بيهِمّني
ما بيهمّ
ما بأسِّر
I don’t care
It doesn’t bother me
ما بتِفرُق معي
Congugate مع