Photosynthesis and Respiration Flashcards
What is photosynthesis?
Plant uses energy to change carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen
Where does photosynthesis take place?
Chloroplasts inside the leaves
Word equation for photosynthesis
Carbon dioxide +. water ——-> glucose + oxygen
Symbol equation for photosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H20——> C6H1206 + 6O2
How do plants use glucose?
for respiration cellulose amino acids stored as starch stored as lipid
Rate limiting factors of photosynthesis?
intensity of light
carbon dioxide concentration
What’s chlorophyll?
green pigment that absorbs sunlight
Increased light intensity?
increased rate of photosynthesis up to a point
Increased temperature?
increased rate of photosynthesis up to optimum
after optimum enzymes denature and photosynthesis stops
Increased carbon dioxide?
increased rate of photosynthesis up to a point
how to measure rate of photosynthesis?
How much carbon dioxide is taken in or how much oxygen is given off
factors that should be controlled in measuring rate?
light intensity
carbon dioxide concentration
What is the inverse square law?
relationship between hight intensity and distance
as distance increases light intensity decreases
light intensity decreases by a bigger proportion
e.g. double the distance = four times less light intensity
how do farmers create ideal conditions for plant growth?
green house -traps heat
heater- for winter
ventilation- for summer
light- sunlight in day artificial light at night
carbon dioxide- parafin heater produces co2
fertiliser - minerals for growth2
what do farmers have to think about when setting up greenhouse?
compromise between cost and harvest
What is respiration?
transferring energy from glucose
how do organisms use energy from respiration?
build up large molecules from small ones
muscle contraction
maintain body temperature
what is metabolism?
the total of all the reactions that happen in a cell
What types of reactions happen in cells?
glucose join to make starch, glycogen, cellulose
lipids formation from glycerol and fatty acids
amino acids combine to form proteins
excess protein broken down to produce urea
What is aerobic respiration?
respiration using oxygen
glucose + oxygen—–>carbon dioxide + water +energy
symbol equation for aerobic respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2—–>6CO2 + 6H2O
where does aerobic respiration happen?
What is anaerobic respiration?
incomplete breakdown of glucose (not using oxygen)
When do we use anaerobic respiration?
vigorous exercise
What is the product of anaerobic respiration?
lactic acid
anaerobic respiration in plants and yeast?
glucose—–> ethanol + carbon dioxide
What is this called? fermentation
what happens during exercise?
increased energy demand
increased oxygen demand for respiration
increased breathing and heart rate
more oxygen to tissues or muscles
what happens when there isn’t enough oxygen?
Anaerobic respiration
what happens if you anaerobically respire ?
lactic acid build up =. painful stitch
muscle fatigue
oxygen debt
what is oxygen debt?
amount of oxygen needed to react with built up lactic acid and remove it from cells.