Non-Communicable Diseases Flashcards
What is a non communicable disease?
Cannot be spread between people or animals generally last for a long time. They are caused by several different risk factors interacting with each other.
What is a risk factor?
Things that cause an increased likelihood that a person will develop a certain disease during their lifetime.
Examples of risk factors
Lifestyle factors- Smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise
Environmental factors- Air pollution, asbestos
What does smoking do?
Cardiovascular disease, lung disease/cancer, health problems in unborn babies.
What does obesity do?
Causes type 2 diabetes by making the body resistant to insulin and breathing problems.
What does alcohol do?
Liver disease, affect brain function, health problems in unborn babies
What is a carcinogen?
Something that causes cancer
How does living in a developed country affect disease?
More money so better healthcare= less communicable diseases
More money= High fat food= Non communicable disease
How does living in a deprived area affect health?
More likely to smoke, have a poor diet and not exercise
Cost of non communicable disease
Death-Shorter life span and lower quality of life
Financial- To families e.g. adapting home, giving up work,
to NHS-Researching and treating disease
to economy- people can’t work, income reduced.
How is cancer caused?
Cancer is caused by uncontrolled cell growth and division. This results into the formation of a tumour.
What is a benign tumour?
The tumour grows until there’s no more room, it stays In one place and doesn’t invade other tissues in the body Normally this tumour isn’t dangerous, and isn’t cancerous.
What is a malignant tumour?
The tumour grows and spreads to neighbouring healthy tissues. Cells can break off and spread to other parts of the body by the bloodstream. The malignant cells then invade healthy tissues elsewhere in the body and form secondary tumours. They are dangerous and can be fatal they are cancers.
What does UV exposure do?
Increases the chance of skin cancer. People who are prone to the sun or use sun beds are at a higher risk of getting skin cancer.
What do viral infections do? in terms of cancer
Infection with hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses can increase the risk of developing liver cancer. Sometimes hepatitis B and C can spread through lifestyle choices like unprotected sex or sharing needles.
Genetic risk factors in terms of cancer
You can inherit faulty genes that can make you more susceptible to cancer, changes in BRCA genes have been linked to an increased likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
What is coronary heart disease?
Coronary heart disease is when the coronary arteries that supply the blood to the muscle of the heart get blocked by layers of fatter material building up. This makes the arteries become narrow so then the blood flow is restricted and there’s a lack of oxygen to the heart muscle, you can get a heart attack from this.