Photography - Victim, Crime Scene, Night and the Moment in Time Flashcards
What is light?
A form of energy that travels in waves
What three things are explained by the wave nature of light?
- Origin of colour
- How light travels
- What happens to light when it encounters different materials
List the wavelength range of the visible portion of the EM spectrum.
400 to 700 nm
What is the portion of the EM spectrum below 400 nm known as?
What is the portion of the EM spectrum above 700 known as?
What are the three additive primaries and what do they do?
Red, green, blue
When all overlap, they produce white light.
How are the subtractive primaries created?
Through overlap of the additive primaries
What is the inverse law of light?
The intensity of the light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance travelled from the source.
What is the law of reflectance?
The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
What does the amount of absorption of light depend on?
How dark or opaque the object is.
Which type of surface absorbs more light: smooth or irregular surfaces?
What is refraction of light?
Bending of a light wave inside the object toward the normal line.
What is the normal line?
Imaginary straight line that runs perpendicular to the object
What do photographic lenses rely on to focus an image within a camera?
What is scattered-diffues reflection?
When light hits a rough surface, it is reflected all sorts of angles.
When this happens, it causes the light to become soft and diffused.
When is scattered diffusion relied upon?
When directing a light source off of a rough surface to create a softer and less harsh light.
Why is the sky blue?
When blue light tries to go through O and H molecules, its light is scattered in all directions. Blue in the sky is the scatter blue light.
Why are sunsets red?
The distance the sunlight has to travel to Earth is greatest at sunrise and sunset. During this travel, most of the blue has already been scattered to the light received is mostly red.
What is daylight film colour balanced for?
Noon sunlight and electronic flash
What type of lights are sunlight and tungsten light bulbs?
Full spectrum lights
What is the colour temperature of sunlight?
5500 K
What is the colour temperature of tungsten light bulbs?
3200 K
What is the purpose of white balance in DSLR cameras?
Colour correction
What is available light?
Refers to both natural and artificial lighting that illuminates a scene.
What is the purpose of victim photography?
To provide documented record of the victim and their injuries.
List the current types of photos required provincially for victim photography.
Closeup with scale
List the types of photos taken for victim photography used in class.
Close-up with scale
Close-up without scale
What is included in an overall victim photograph?
Victim from head to toe
What is photographed in a midrange victim photograph?
Head and shoulders or image of injury and surrounding area.
What is photographed in close-up victim photography.
Injuries with and without scale
Where should a victim stand for vicitm photography?
1 m away from wall
Why should victims stand 1 m away from the wall?
Ensure even lighting and to avoid shadows
What should be considered during victim photography?
- Explain why photos are being taken, for what purpose and the limitations
- Maintain a reactionary gap
- Victim can assist
- Be respectful
- Perspective
Why is crime scene photography important?
- Used as an investigative tool
- AIds in describing scene to the courts
- Photos become part of your notes for refreshing your memory
What characteristics must be present in crime scene photography?
- Proper exposure
- Sufficient DoF
- Sharp
Outline the series of crime scene photos taken in order.
Scene establishing
Overall scene
Object of interest (midrange)
What are some tips to consider for crime scene photography?
- Keep back of camera parallel to the subject
- Photograph as much as you can at eye level
- Keep camera level and steady, using a tripod whenever possible
- Take notes