Fingerprint Individualization Flashcards
Define the arch pattern.
One or more frictions enter on one side of the impression and flow/tend to flow out the other side with a rise or wave in the center.
Define a loop pattern.
One or more friction ridges enter on one side, recurve, touch or pass an imaginary line between delta and core, and tend to flow out on the same side as they entered.
Define the whorl pattern.
One or more ridges that make/tend to make a complete circuit, with two deltas, between which, when an imaginary line is drawn, at least one recurving ridge within the inner pattern area is cut or touched.
What is level one of friction ridge detail?
Overall ridge flow
What type of characteristics are looked at in level 1 detail?
- Orientation
- Pattern type
- Focal points
Give examples of friction ridge focal points
- Core
- Deltas
- Scars
- Creases
Can identifications be made with level 1 detail? Exclusions?
Only exclusions
What determines the individuality of a fingerprint?
What is 2nd level detail concerned with?
Minutiae/Galton details
What are minutiae/Galton details? Give examples.
INdividual ridge paths/events
* Ridge endings
* Bifurcations
* Dots
* Islands
* Enclosure
Can identifications be made using second level detail? Exclusions?
What is level 3 detail concerned with? Give examples.
Size and shape of pores and ridges.
* Pores
* End shapes and angles
* Edge shapes
* Width
What can be done with level 3 detail?
Identification and exclusion decisions can be supported.
What is another name for first level deatail?
Henry detail
What is another term for third level detail?
Asbaugh detail
Define a ridge unit/dot
An isolated ridge unit whose length approximates its width in size.
Define a short ridge/island.
A single friction ridge beginning, travelling a short distance, and ending.
Define a ridge ending.
A single friction ridge that terminates within the friction ridge structure.
Describe a bifurcation.
The point at which one friction ridge divides into two friction ridges.
Define an enclosure/lake.
A single friction ridge that bifuractes and regions after a short course and continues as a single friction ridge.
What is the life span of a fingerprint?
Theoretically how long a fingerprint can survive on a surface.