Other names of Carbon Tetrachloride (4)
CCI4, tetrachloromethane, pyrine, carbona
Colorless, non-flammable liquid, sweet
penetrating odor
Carbon Tetrachloride
Metabolized by the enzyme CYP450 which
results in formation of toxic metabolite,
Epoxide, TCM (Trichloromethane)
Carbon Tetrachloride
Used as solvent in pharmacy, propellant, fire
extinguisher, dry cleaning clothes
Carbon Tetrachloride
CT | Dose
no ADE after 3-4 hours
CT | Dose
depression and dyspnea
CT | Dose
liver, lung, kidney damage,
tachycardia and tachypnea
> 200ppm
CT | Lethal Dose
TX for CT Toxicity
NAC, beta blockers, hyperbaric
Other names for Carbon disulfide
CS2, Carbon Bisulfide, Dithiocarbonic
anhydride, Sulfocarbonic anhydride
Clear, colorless or faintly yellow liquid, highly
flammable, chloroform like odor
Carbon Disulfide
Used in the manufacture of rubber, plywood
glues, rayon, cellophane, electroplating and
metal rust removal, used in agriculture as a
pesticide and fumigant
Carbon Disulfide
Quickly absorbed by ingestion, inhalation, and
dermal exposure
Carbon Disulfide
Carbon Disulfide | Lethal Dose
0.1 mg/dL
Carbon Disulfide | Toxic Action
CNS Depression, peripheral neuropathy,
decomposition of RBC (methemoglobinemia),
psychiatric manifestations, birth defects
Carbon Disulfide | Toxic Action
CNS Depression, peripheral neuropathy,
decomposition of RBC (methemoglobinemia),
psychiatric manifestations, birth defects
TX for Carbon Disulfide Toxicity
Artificial respiration, emetics, gastric lavage,
antidepressants, methylene blue
Other names for Aniline
C6H5NH2, Phenylamine, Aminobenzene
Unpleasant odor of rotten fish, burning aromatic taste, a highly acrid-poison. Ignites readily with smoky flame.
Aniline was first isolated from the destructive distillation of indigo in 1826 by _____ who named it crystalline
Otto Unverdorben
Used to make synthetic dyes, polyurethane foam, agricultural chemicals, antioxidants, stabilizers for the rubber industry, herbicides, varnishes and explosives
Nitration and Hydrogenation
-Phenol + Ammonia
ANILINE | Lethal Dose
Aniline | Toxic Effects
Dizziness, HA, Irregular heart
beat, convulsions, coma, and death. Direct
contact with aniline can also produce skin and
eye irritation, Methemoglobinemia