Phase 1: Block 9 - Security and Force Protection Flashcards
What does the DEFCON scale determine?
The posture of the military to prepare for the likely hood of war.
What does the THREATCON scale determine?
The condition for defense of the United States home and and assets abroad.
What are Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs)?
A series of measures designed to increase the level of a unit’s defense against terrorist attacks.
What factors influence the selection of Force Protection Conditions (FPCONs)?
The terrorist threat level. The capability to penetrate existing physical security systems. The risk of terrorist attack to which personnel and assets are exposed. The asset’s ability to execute its mission even if attacked. The protected asset’s criticality to their missions.
Who can set the Force Protection Condition (FOCON) level?
A commander at any level.
If the local situation warrants, what can subordinate commanders do to an existing Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level?
Set a higher one.
What are mandatory when declared, implemented immediately and can be supplemented by additional measures?
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) measures.
The declaration, reduction and cancelation of a Force Protection Condition (FPCON) remain the responsibility of who?
The commander issuing the order.
When does Force Protection Condition (FPCON) Normal apply?
When a general global threat of possible terrorist activity exists and warrants a routine security posture.
When does Force Protection Condition (FPCON) Alpha apply?
When there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable.
What Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level measures must be capable of being maintained indefinitely?
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level alpha.
When does Force Protection Condition (FPCON) Bravo apply?
When an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists.
Which Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level, when sustained for a prolonged period can affect operational capability and relations with local authorities?
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level bravo.
When does Force Protection Condition (FPCON) charlie apply?
When an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.
Which Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level measures, when implemented for a prolonged period may create hardship and affect the activities of the unit and it’s personnel?
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level charlie.
When does Force Protection Condition (FPCON) delta apply?
When a terrorist attack has occurred in the immediate area or when intelligence is received that a terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent.
Which Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level measures are not intended to be sustained for substantial periods and is usually only declared as a localized condition?
Force Protection Condition (FPCON) level delta.
How many Force Protection Condition (FPCON) levels exist?
What is a Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON)?
An alert posture used by the United States military.
Who developed the Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) system?
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Unified and specified combatant commands.
What does the Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) system prescribe?
Five graduated levels of readiness (or states of alert) for the U.S. military that increase in severity to match varying military situations.
What measures are implemented in Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) 5?
Normal peacetime readiness.
What measures are implemented in Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) 4?
Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security.
What measures are implemented in Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) 3?
Increase in force readiness above normal readiness.
What measures are implemented in Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) 2?
Further increase in force readiness, but less than maximum.
What measures are implemented in Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) 1?
Maximum force readiness.
How many Defense Readiness Conditions (DEFCONs) exist?