Pharynx/Larynx Flashcards
Bony protrusions of nasal cavity
The cohncha
Divides cavity into passageways:
Superior meatus
Middle meatus
Inferior meatus
1 - Frontal sinus draining into the middle meatus
2 - maxillary sinus draining into the middle meatus (are beneath the middle concha)
3 - Ethmoid sinus draining into the middle meatus
4 - Nasolacrimal duct
5 - Ethmoid sinus draining into the superior nasal meatus
6 - Sphenoid sinus (located in the sphenoid bone) draining into the sphenoethmoidal recess
7 - Pharyngotympanic (eustachian) tube opening into the nasopharynx
Anastomoses of the nasal cavity
The sphenopalatine artery (from the maxillary a.) forms an anastomosis with the enterior ehtmoidal artery via the Kiesselbach plexus
Major anastomosis - internal and external carotid arteries
Sensory innervation to the mucosa of the nasopharnx
CN VII from the pterogopalantine ganglion
Hitchhikes on CN V-2
Three structures draining into one area each
One nasal space receiving drainage from three cavities
What supplies blood to the hard and soft palates?
The greater and lesser palantine branches of the maxillary artery
Blood supply to the naso mucosa
Maxillary enters the sphenopalatine foramen
Trigeminal ganglion
Sensory ganglion
Muscles of the tongue and their innervation
Levator veli palatini m.
Tensor veli palatini m.
Palatoglossus m.
Palatopharyngeus m.
Palatine tonsil
Blood supply -
1. Ascending palatine a. and tonsillar branches from facial a.
2. Descending palatine from maxillary a.
3. Palatine branch from ascending pharyngeal a.
4. Dorsal lingual branches from lingual a.
Innvervation - CN IX (motor) and CN X (sensory)/CN V-2 (palatine branch - sensory)
Pharyngeal tonsils
Found in the posterior wall and roof of nasopharynx; also called the adenoids
Lingual tonsil
Lymphoid tissue on the dorsal tongue
Tubal tonsils
Hyoid bone
At level CV3 at superior border of larynx
Posterior boundaries of larynx
CV3 - CV6
Thyroid cartilage
At level CV5
Superior edge of conus elasticus
Vocal cord
Abduction of the vocal cords,
opens the glottis
Posterior cricoarytenoid m.
Cricothyroid m.
Innervated by the external laryngeal n.
(all other muscles of the larynx innervated by recurrent laryngeal nerves)
Relaxes vocal cords
Thyroarytenoid m
Tenses vocal cords
Vocalis m.
Adduction of vocal cords; closes
Lateral cricoarytenoid m.
Transverse arytenoid m.
Oblique arytenoid m.
Cricothyroid m.
Thyroarytenoid m.