Pharynx and Muscles of mastication Flashcards
- Striated muscular tube (has voluntary and involuntary control)
- Lined by mucosa of endodermal origin
- Forms part of the gut
Pharynx functions
- Common intersection for passage of both air and food
Soft palate of pharynx
In domestic animals, soft palate is elongated past the epiglottis
Reason horses are obligate nose breathers
Their soft palate extends so far down that air does not easily pass into trachea from mouth
Subdivisions of pharynx
- Oropharynx
- Nasopharynx
- Laryngopharynx
- Extends from the palato -glossal arch (enderside of the end of hard palate) to the base of the epiglottis
- Often connected with tonsils
Lymph tissues of the oropharynx
- Tonsils- Shape and position varies among species
- Some diffuse lymphatic tissues are also present
Palatine tonsils in dogs and cats
Evaginate into oropharynx lumen and are partly covered by a fold of mucosa
Tonsils of ox
Invaginate into pharyngeal walls
Tonsils in horses
More diffuse and ventrolateral
Tonsils in pigs and horses
- Continue to the dorsal midline
- Named soft palate tonsils
- Extends from the choanal region (caudal edge of hard palate) to the palato-pharyngeal arches (intra-pharyngeal ostium)
- Contains the openings of the auditory tubes
Auditory tubes when swallowing
- Tubes will open when swallowing or yawning
- At the same time, the intra-pharyngeal ostium will close
Extends from the palate-pharyngeal arches (intra-pharyngeal ostium) to the pharyngo-esophageal limen (esophagus entrance)
Pharynx and nose breathing
Epiglottis rests on top of the free end of the soft palate