Pharynx and larynx continued Flashcards
How does the pharynx move fluids and food since its a gut organ?
Via peristalsis.
What are the walls of pharynx composed of?
Mutliple layers
- Areolar coat or buccopharyngeal fascia on outside and contains pharyngeal plexus of veins and nerves
- Muscular coat composed of outer circular and inner longitudinal parts. outer circular muscles serve as constrictors and composed of superior, middle and inferior constrictors.
- longitudinal muscles elevate
- Mucous membranse
What are the attachment sites of the superior constrictor?
- Pharyngeal tubercule (On base of skull via pharyngobasilar fascia).
- pharyngobasilar fascia is the none muscular portion of superior constrictor and is attached to the base of the skull. It is pierced by auditory tube and levator palatine.
- Pterygomandibular raphe (Junction with buccinator) and mandible
What are the boundaries of the middle constrictor?
- Greater and lesser cornu of hyoid
- inferior end of the stylohyoid ligament
- Overlaps inferior border of superior constrictor
What are the boundaries of inferior constrictor?
- From oblique line of thyroid cartilage onto cricoid cartilage
- upper fibers overlaps inferior border of middle fibers blend with those of esophagus, pars cricopharyngea
What is the function of longitudinal muscles and what are they:
-They elevate and open constrictors so peristalsis begins above bolus
-Salpingopharyngeus: From medial end of auditory tube to thyroid lamina
-Palatopharyngeus from the connective tissue of soft palate of thyroid lamina.
-Stylopharyngeus: from the medial surface of styloid, between superior and medial constrictors down to thyroid lamina.
Stylohyoid: from the posterior surface of styloid to hyoid.
What lines entire pharynx and larynx?
Mucous membrane