Muscles of the larynx Flashcards
What is the larynx?
Larynx is first and foremost a sphincter, ergo most muscles of larynx adduct vocal folds
The function of posterior cricoarytenoids?
abduct by pulling muscular processes posteriorly
-From posterior lamina of cricoid to muscular processes of arytenoids
What are the arytenoids?
(Oblique and transverse head) adduct vocal folds
- Runs between arytenoids(Transverse head)
- span to opposite side and toward epiglottis= aryepiglotticus or oblique head.
What are the cricothyroid?
tense vocal folds by tilting thyroid on cricoid
-from cricoid to the inferior border and inferior horn of thyroid.
What are the lateral cricothyroid?
They adduct vocal folds by pulling muscular proceess of arytenoid
What is thyroarytenoids?
they relax or adduct vocal folds by pulling thyroid towards arytenoids.
What is the function of thyroepiglottis?
pulls epiglottis posteroinferiorly
-runs from the inner surface of the thyroid to the epiglottis