Pharynx Flashcards
where does the pharynx extend from?
skull base to inferior border of cricoid cartilage (C6)
what are the 3 segments of pharynx
what are the borders of oropharynx
soft palate and epiglottis
what are the borders of laryngopharynx
epiglottis to cricoid cartilage
what is the inferior border of the nasopharynx
soft palate
what is the connection between the pharynx and middle ear?
auditory tube orifice (eustachian or pharyngotympanic)
what is the cartilage of the auditory tube?
torus tubarius
what fold covers the salpingopharyngeus m
salpingopharyngeal fold
what are the 5 structures of the nasopharynx
auditory tube torus tubarius pharyngeal recess pharyngeal tonsil salpingopharyngeal fold
what is the groove along the lateral pharyngeal wall
pharyngeal recess
what is in between the two palatine arches
palatine tonsil
what covers the palatopharyngeus muscle
palatopharyngeal arch
what are the 3 structures of the oropharynx
palatoglossal arch
palatopharyngeal arch
palatine tonsil
what seals off oropharynx from nasopharynx when swallowing
palatopharyngeal sphincter
what constrictor is the palaopharygneal sphincter in?
superior constrictor
what are lateral gutters around thyroid cartilage?
piriform recess
what does the recurrent laryngeal nerve innervate
larynx muscles
what pierces thyrohyoid membrane
internal laryngeal n
what muscle is part of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles
cricopharyngeus muscle
what bony landmark is relavent when determining inferior laryngeal vs recurrent laryngeal
cricothyroid joint
what does thyrocervical trunk branch off of
what nerve is the motor for pharynx
what is a gutter for saliva?
pharyngeoepiglottic fold
what holds the Left and Right superior pharyngeal constrictor together
pharyngeal raphe
what does the pharyngeal raphe attach to
pharyngeal tubercle
what is the inferior extent of the inferior constrictor m
cricopharyngeus m
what is superior to the cricopharyngeus m
what is sensory to the nasopharynx?
what is sensory to the oropharynx?
what is sensory to the larygnopharynx
what does the stylopharyngeus m arise from?
styloid process
what does the salpingopharyngeus m arise from?
auditory tube
what muscle is the anterior extent between orocavity and oropharynx
palatoglossus m
what makes up the tonsillar pillars?
palatopharyngeaus m
palatoglossus m
what is the anterior border of nasopharynx?
what is the anterior border of oropharynx?
palatoglossus m
what are the 3 longitudinal muscles
what are the actions of the constrictor muscles?
close down the opening
what artery supplies pharynx?
ascending pharyngeal a
ascending palatine a
facial a
what does CN X supply
motor to pharyngeal mm
what does CN IX supply
motor to stylopharyngeus m and SENSORY to pharynx
where does sympathetic nn come from
superior cervical ganglion
what does loss of pharynx lead to?
dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
what does loss of sensory nn to pharynx lead to?
loss of gag reflex
what does large adenoids obstruct?
air flow to nose to nasopharynx
what are large pharyngeal tonsils referred as
what location is known for choking hazard in pharynx?
piriform recess
what is underlying the mucosa at the piriform recess?
laryngeal nerves and vessels