Pharmacology Introduction Flashcards
Pharmacology is the bridge between _____ and _____.
Physiology and Medicine
What options do you have in clinical practice to fix health problems?
1: Do nothing, time will heal
2: Alter diet/husbandry
3: Prescribe medication
4: Procedure - surgical vs. non-surgical
5: Euthanasia
What are the therapeutic principles?
1: What am I treating?
2: Is treatment required?
3: Do I need to treat with drugs?
4: How will I monitor?
Define drug.
A substance used as a medication or in the preparation of medication.
Define pharmacology.
The study of the interactions of drugs with living systems.
Define clinical pharmacology.
The application of pharmacology principles to patients.
Define comparative pharmacology.
The study of drugs in different species.
Define pharmacy.
The science of the preparation of drugs.
Define toxicology.
The study of poisons and their treatments.
Define veterinary clinical pharmacology.
Clinical pharmacology as applied to veterinary species.
Define evidence-based medicine.
Pharmacological principles based on valid, relevant research and clinical data.
Define pharmacokinetics.
Describes the disposition or movement of drugs within the body. What the animal does to the drug.
Define pharmacodynamics.
Describes the mechanism of action. What the drug does to the animal.
What does FDA stand for?
Food and Drug Administration
What does DEA stand for?
Drug Enforcement Administration
What does USDA stand for?
United States Department of Agriculture
What EPA stand for?
Environmental Protection Agency
What does VFD stand for?
Veterinary Feed Directive
What does FARAD stand for?
Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
The non-proprietary drug name is the _____ name?
What does the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) of 1994 allow?
It allows veterinarians to prescribe extra-label use
Extra-label use in not permitted if _____.
If it results in an illegal food residue, or any residue which may present a risk to public health.
What is the FARAD?
A computer system that provides information including withdrawal times of all drugs approved for use in food-producing animals, official tolerances and pharmacokinetic studies
What are the categories of drugs?
1: Over-the-counter (OTC)
2: Prescription
3: Biologics
4: Controlled
Do OTC drugs require a prescription?
Who regulates prescription drugs?
Who regulates biologics?
For prescription drugs, the FDA _____.
Oversees drug approval and safety.
For prescription drugs, the DEA _____.
Monitors use (and misuse) of products with high abuse potential.
What does NDC stand for?
National Drug Code.
What is a NDC?
A 10 digit number assigned by the DEA that is required on all prescription medications.
What does NADA stand for?
New Animal Drug Application Number
Who assigns NADA’s and what is it for?
The FDA assigns it following drug approval.
Who regulate controlled substances?
What is a Class I (C-I) drug?
Highest abuse potential
Severe liability
No therapeutic agents in the U.S.
Examples: Heroin and LSD
What is a Class II (C-II) drug?
High abuse potential
Severe liability
Examples: Morphine, codeine and amphetamine
What is a Class III (C-III) drug?
Abuse potential is less than C-I and C-II
Moderate liability
Examples: Anabolic steroids and buprenorphine
What is a Class IV (C-IV) drug?
Abuse potential is less than C-I, C-II and C-III
Moderate liability
Examples: Butorphanol and diazepam
What is a Class V (C-V) drug?
Least abuse potential
Limited liability
True or False: Veterinarians must register with the DEA in order to purchase, administer or dispense controlled substances.
What are compounded medications?
Any drug that has been created by combining or altering ingredients
True or False: FDA approved drug can be compounded.
False, only when there is documented shortage can FDA approved drugs be compounded.
Who can compound medications?
A veterinarian or pharmacist acting on the orders of a licensed veterinarian.
The FDA permits compounding for veterinary patients iff:
1: There is a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship.
2: There is no commercially available animal or human product in the correct dosage form or concentration.
3: Product is safe and effective.
4: Prepared according to all federal and state guidelines pertaining to veterinary medicine and pharmacy practices acts.