Pharm Test 7 Flashcards
normal= <120/<80, preHTN= 120-139/80-89, stage 1 =140-159/90-99, stage 2= >160/>100
-primary(essential)= unknown cause- 90%, secondary= caused by disease
Risk factors= diabetes, obesity, smoke, stress, history
Complications= stroke, ischemia, LV hypertrophy, aneurysm, arrhythmia
Blood Pressure control
BP= CO x PVR, reduced CO (beta 1-heart and renin), decrease PVR (alpha 1 on vessels)
1) Baroreceptor reflex/SNS= when low BP- releases renin
2) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone= vasoconstrictor (incase SVR), increase aldosterone (increases Na reab- increase CBV)
so if we inhibit/block these, we can lower BP
Treatment Sequence (which drugs tried first)
1st- thiazide, 2nd- ACE inhibitor, 3rd- ARB, 4th- Ca blocker
3 Types of Diuretics
work by decreasing water/Na reab= lower CBV
Thiazide, Loop, Potassium sparing
Thiazide Diuretics
inhibits Na-Cl reab channels in early distal, increase Na and water excretion
- needs functional kidney
- can cause: hypokalemia, hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia
Loop Diuretics
inhibits Na-2Cl-K reab in thick ascending limb of loop= decreased renal vascular resistance, increase RBF
- works better with non functional kidney
- can cause: hypokalemia
Potassium Sparing Diuretics
blocks Na/K atpase on principal cell in distal, and also blocks the Na from coming in and K from leaving
- used with others to spare K
- aldosterone receptor antagonist (prevents Na reab)
Beta Blockers
block increase CO and renin release
(nonselective beta blockers bad for patients with asthma because of b2 vasoconstriction when blocked)
-can cause: hypotension, bradycardia, fatigues, insomnia
-don’t withdraw fast= angina, MI, death
ACE Inhibitors
decreases AngII (vasodilates), increase bradykinin/increase NO (vasodilates), lowers aldosterone (less Na reab)
- good for: diabetic nephropathy, MI, decreasing LV hypertrophy
- can cause: dry mouth, rash, hyperkalemia, weird poop/taste
AngiotensinII Receptor Blockers
- decrease AngII, decrease aldosterone, no effect on bradykinin
- good for: patients with DM, HF, kidney disease
- can cause: less dry mouth, teratogenic (fetal malformation)
- dont use with ACE
Renin Inhibitor
directly lowers renin- reduces Na/water reab
- not used with ARB, ACE, or thiazides
- can cause cough, diarrhea
Calcium Channel Blockers
prevents Ca from coming into heart and smooth muscles around vessels so they can’t contract
Alpha 1 Blocking Agents
block a1 on arterials= dilates, lowers BP and PVR
- reflex tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension
- use with diuretic because Na/water still reab
Alpha and Beta Blockers
blocks alpha 1, beta 1 and 2
lowers BP and PVR
Other 2 Antihypertensives
both are alpha 2 agonists= decrease SNS and lowers BP and PVR
-clonidine and methyldopa