Pharm - Miscellaneous (Drug Name) Flashcards
Pg. 256 in First Aid 2014 Pg. 243 in First Aid 2013 Sections include: -Drug names
What is a common suffix of antimicrobials that act as antifungals? Give an example.
-azole; Ketoconazole
What is a common suffix of antimicrobials that are Penicillins? Give an example.
-cillin; Methicillin
What is a common suffix of antimicrobials that act as Protein synthesis inhibitor antibiotics? Give an example.
-cycline; Tetracycline
What is a common suffix of antimicrobials that act as Protease inhibitors? Give an example.
-navir; Saquinavir
Give the category of antimicrobials associated with each of the following suffixes: (1) -azole (2) -cillin (3) -cycline (4) -navir (5) -bendazole (6) -ivir (7) -ovir (8) -thromycin. Also, give an example of each.
(1) Antifungal (Ketoconazole) (2) Penicillin (Methicillin) (3) Antibiotic, protein synthesis inhibitor (Tetracycline) (4) Protease inhibitor (Saquinavir) (5) Antiparasitic/antihelminthic (Mebendazole) (6) Neuraminidase inhibitor (Oseltamivir) (7) DNA polymerase inhibitor (Acyclovir) (8) Macrolide antibiotic (Azithromycin)
What is a common suffix of CNS drugs that act as 5-HT 1B/1D agonists (for migraine)? Give an example.
-triptan; Sumatriptan
What is a common suffix of CNS drugs that act as inhalational general anesthetics? Give an example.
-ane; Halothane
What is a common suffix of CNS drugs that act as local anesthetics? Give an example.
-caine; Lidocaine
What is a common suffix of CNS drugs that are Typical Antipsychotics? Give an example.
-azine; Thioridazine
What is a common suffix of CNS drugs that belong to the Barbiturate category? Give an example.
-barbital; Phenobarbital
What are 2 common suffixes of CNS drugs that belong to the Benzodiazepine category? Give an example of each.
(1) -zolam; Alprazolam (2) -azepam; Diazepam
What is a common suffix of CNS drugs that belong to the SSRI category? Give an example.
-etine; Fluoxetine
What are common suffixes of CNS drugs that belong to the TCA category? Give an example.
(1) -ipramine; Imipramine (2) -triptyline; Amitriptyline
Give the category of CNS drugs associated with each of the following suffixes: (1) -triptan (2) -ane (3) -caine (4) -azine (5) -barbital (6) -zolam (7) -azepam (8) -etine (9) -ipramine (10) -triptyline. Also, give an example of each.
(1) 5-HT 1B/1D agonists (migraine) - e.g., Sumatriptan (2) Inhalational general anesthetic - e.g., Halothane (3) Local anesthetic - e.g., Lidocaine (4) Typical antipsychotic - e.g., Thioridazine (5) Barbiturate - e.g., Phenobarbital (6) Benzodiazepine - e.g., Alprazolam (7) Benzodiazepine - e.g., Diazepam (8) SSRI - e.g., Fluoxetine (9) TCA - e.g., Imipramine (10) TCA - e.g., Amitriptyline
What is a common suffix of autonomic drugs that act as Beta-antagonists? Give an example.
-olol; Propanolol
What is a common suffix of autonomic drugs that act as Beta2-agonists? Give an example.
-terol; Albuterol