pharm 2 Flashcards
11, 12, 37, 13, 42, 38, 41
Charlie is a 65 year-old male who has been diagnosed with HTN and BPH. Doxazosin has been chosen to treat his HTN because it:
relaxes smooth muscle in the bladder neck
To reduce potential adverse effects, patients taking a peripherally acting alpha 1 antagonist should do all of the following EXCEPT:
monitor their blood pressure and skip a dose if their pressure is less than 120/80
John has clonidine, a centrally acting adrenergic blocker, prescribed for his HTN. He should:
Not miss a dose or stop taking the drug because of potential rebound HTN.
Clonidine has several off-label uses including:
both 1 & 2
1.alcohol and nicotine with-drawl neuralgia
Jim is being treated for HTN. Because he has history of heart attack, the drug chosen is atenolol. Beta-blockers treat HTN by:
reducing vascular smooth muscle tone
which of the following adverse effects are less likely in a beta 1 - selective blocker
impaired insulin release
Richard is 70 years old and has a history of cardiac dysrhythmias. He has been prescribed nadolol. You do his annual lab work and find CrCl of 25 ml/min, What action should you take?
extend the dosage interval
Beta blockers are the drugs of choice for exertional angina because they:
decrease myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing heart rate and vascular resistance
adherence to beta blocker therapy may be affected by their:
effects on the male genitalia, which may produce impotence
beta blockers have favorable effects on survival and disease progression in heart failure. Treatment should be initiated when the:
left ventricular function is diagnosed
abrupt withdrawal of beta blockers can be life threatening. Patients at highest risk of for serious consequences of rapid withdrawal are those with:
both 1 and 2
1. angina
2. coronary artery disease
to prevent life threatening from rapid withdrawal of a beta blocker:
the dosage should be decreased by 1/2 every 4 days
beta blockers are prescribed for diabetics with caution because of their ability to produce hypoglycemia and block the common symptoms of it. Which of the following symptoms of hypoglycemia is not blocked by these drugs and so can be used to warn diabetics of possible decreased blood glucose?
combined alpha-beta antagonists are used to reduce the progression of heart failure because they:
vasodilate the peripheral vasculature
carvedilol is heavily metabolized by CYP2D6 and 2C9, resulting in drug interactions with which of the following drug classes:
all the above:
histamine 2 blockers
serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
alpha-beta blockers are especially effective to treat HTN for which ethnic group:
increases detrusor muscle tone to empty the bladder
clinical dosing of bethanechol:
starts at 5mg to 10mg PO and is repeated every hour until a satisfactory clinical response is achieved
patients who need to remain alert are taught to avoid which drug due to its antimuscarinic effects:
anticholinesterase inhibitors are used to treat:
myasthenia gravis
which of the following drugs used to treat Alzheimers disease is not an anticholinergic:
taking which drug with food maximizes its bioavailability:
which of the following drugs should be used only when clearly needed in pregnant and breastfeeding women:
There is a narrow margin between first appearance of adverse reaction to AChE inhibitors and serious toxic effects. Adverse reactions that require immediate action include:
Fasciculations of voluntary muscles
Adherence is improved when a drug can be given once daily. Which of the following drugs can be given once daily:
Nicotine has a variety of effects on nicotinic receptors throughout the body. Which of the following is NOT an effect of nicotine:
vasodilation and decreased heart rate
nicotine gum products are:
bound to exchange resins so the nicotine is only release during chewing
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT):
delays healing of esophagitis and peptic ulcers
success rates for smoking cessation using NRT:
vary from 40% to 50% at 12 months
Cholinergic blockers are used to:
all the above
counteract EPS effects of phenothiazines
control tremors/relax smooth muscle in Parkinson’s Disease
inhibit the muscarinic action of ACh on bladder muscle
several classes of drugs have interactions with cholinergic blockers. Which of the following is true of these interactions:
drugs with a narrow therapeutic range given orally may not stay in the GI tract
Scopolamine can be use to prevent N/V associated with motion sickness. The patient is taught to:
swallow the tablet 1 hour before traveling where motion sickness is possible
You are managing the care of a patient recently diagnosed with BPH. He is taking tamsulosin but reports dizziness when standing abruptly. The best option for this patient is:
discontinue the tamsulosin and start doxazosin
you are treating a patient with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. The patient’s wife mentions difficulty with transportation to the clinic. Which medication is the best choice:
a patient presents with a c/o of dark stool and epigastric pain described as gnawing and burning. Which of the meds is the most likely cause:
your patient calls for an appointment before going on vacation. Which medication should you ensure he has an adequate supply of before leaving to avoid life threatening complications.
activation of central alpha 2 receptors results in inhibition of cardioacceleration and _____ centers in the brain
Sarah, a 42-year-old female, requests a prescription for an anorexiant to treat her obesity. A trial of phentermine is prescribed. Prescribing precautions include:
Anorexiants may cause tolerance and should only be prescribed for 6 months
Before prescribing phentermine to Sarah, a thorough drug history should be taken including assessing for the use of serotonergic agents such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and St John’s wort due to:
The risk of serotonin syndrome
Antonia is a 3-year-old child who has a history of status epilepticus. Along with her routine
antiseizure medication, she should also have a home prescription for _____ to be used for an episode of status epilepticus.
Rectal diazepam (Diastat)
Rabi is being prescribed phenytoin for seizures. Monitoring includes assessing:
For phenytoin hypersensitivity syndrome 3 to 8 weeks after starting treatment
Dwayne has recently started on carbamazepine to treat seizures. He comes to see you and you note that while his carbamazepine levels had been in the therapeutic range, they are now low. The possible cause for the low carbamazepine levels include:
Carbamazepine auto-induces metabolism, leading to lower levels in spite of good compliance.
Carbamazepine has a Black Box Warning due to life-threatening:
Dermatologic reaction, including Steven’s Johnson and toxic epidermal necrolysis
Long-term monitoring of patients who are taking carbamazepine includes:
complete blood count every 3-4 months
Six-year-old Lucy has recently been started on ethosuximide (Zarontin) for seizures. She should be monitored for:
Blood dyscrasias, which are uncommon but possible
Sook has been prescribed gabapentin to treat neuropathic pain and is complaining of feeling depressed and having “strange” thoughts. The appropriate initial action would be:
Assess for suicidal ideation
Selma, who is overweight, recently started taking topiramate for seizures and at her follow-up visit you note she has lost 3 kg. The appropriate action would be:
Reassure her that this is a normal side effect of topiramate and continue to monitor her weight
Monitoring of a patient on gabapentin to treat seizures includes:
Recording seizure frequency, duration, and severity
Scott’s seizures are well controlled on topiramate and he wants to start playing baseball. Education for Scott regarding his topiramate includes:
He should monitor his temperature and ability to sweat in the heat while playing
Cara is taking levetiracetam (Keppra) to treat seizures. Routine education for levetiracetam includes reminding her:
To not abruptly discontinue levetiracetam due to risk for withdrawal seizures
Levetiracetam has known drug interactions with:
Few, if any, drugs
Zainab is taking lamotrigine (Lamictal) and presents to the clinic with fever and lymphadenopathy. Initial evaluation and treatment includes:
Ruling out a hypersensitivity reaction that may lead to multi-organ failure
Samantha is taking lamotrigine (Lamictal) for her seizures and requests a prescription for combined oral contraceptives (COCs), which interact with lamotrigine and may cause:
Reduced lamotrigine levels, requiring doubling the dose of lamotrigine
The tricyclic antidepressants should be prescribed cautiously in patients with:
Heart disease
A 66-year-old male was prescribed phenelzine (Nardil) while in an acute psychiatric unit for recalcitrant depression. The NP managing his primary health care needs to understand the following regarding phenelzine and other monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs):
All of the above
Taylor is a 10-year-old child diagnosed with major depression. The appropriate first-line antidepressant for children is:
Suzanne is started on paroxetine (Paxil), a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), for depression. Education regarding her antidepressant includes:
SSRIs may take 2 to 6 weeks before she will have maximum drug effects.
Cecilia presents with depression associated with complaints of fatigue, sleeping all the time, and lack of motivation. An appropriate initial antidepressant for her would be:
Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
Jake, a 45-year-old patient with schizophrenia, was recently hospitalized for acute psychosis due to medication noncompliance. He was treated with IM long-acting haloperidol. Besides monitoring his schizophrenia symptoms, the patient should be assessed by his primary care provider:
With the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) for extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
Anticholinergic agents, such as benztropine (Cogentin), may be given with a phenothiazine to:
Potentiate the effects of the drug
Patients who are prescribed olanzapine (Zyprexa) should be monitored for:
A 19-year-old male was started on risperidone. Monitoring for risperidone includes observing for common side effects, including:
Bradykinesia, akathisia, and agitation
In choosing a benzodiazepam to treat anxiety the prescriber needs to be aware of the possibility of dependence. The benzodiazepam with the greatest likelihood of rapidly developing dependence is:
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Patients should be instructed regarding the rapid onset of zolpidem (Ambien) because:
Zolpidem should be taken just before going to bed.
A patient with anxiety and depression may respond to:
Buspirone (Buspar) and an SSRI combined
When prescribing temazepam (Restoril) for insomnia, patient education includes:
Temazepam should not be used more than three times a week for less than 3
One major drug used to treat bipolar disease is lithium. Because lithium has a narrow therapeutic range, it is important to recognize symptoms of toxicity, such as:
Drowsiness and nausea
Tom is taking lithium for bipolar disorder. He should be taught to:
Eat a diet with consistent levels of salt (sodium)
Cynthia is taking valproate (Depakote) for seizures and would like to get pregnant. What advice would you give her?
Valproate is a known teratogen, but may be taken after the first trimester if
When prescribing an opioid analgesic such as acetaminophen and codeine (Tylenol #3), instructions to the patient should include:
All of the above
Kirk sprained his ankle and is asking for pain medication for his mild-to-moderate pain. The appropriate first-line medication would be:
Ibuprofen (Advil)
Kasey fractured his ankle in two places and is asking for medication for his pain. The appropriate first-line medication would be:
Acetaminophen with hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Jack, age 8, has attention deficit disorder (ADD) and is prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin). He and his parents should be educated about the side effects of methylphenidate, which are:
Insomnia and decreased appetite
Monitoring for a child on methylphenidate for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) includes:
All of the above