Pgs 18-20 Flashcards
Endocrine gland near the stomach, produces insulin (#20)
Panic attacks + treatment
A sudden episode of extreme anxiety that rapidly escalated in intensity (#20)
Passionate Love
Physical arousal and cognitive appraisal, temporary, beginning of a love relationship (#20)
Penfield’s Brain research
Discovered that direct electrical stimulation of cortex produces “mental” sensations of thinking, perceiving, rather than a sense of the brain being stimulated, storing memories, electrical stimulation research (#20)
Perceptual constancy (size, color, shape)
Perceiving objects as unchanging (having consistent lightness, color, shape, and size) even as illumination and retinal images change (#20)
Perceptual set
A mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another (#20)
Peripheral route to persuasion
Occurs when a person is persuaded to act based on something other than the argument or content of a message (#20)
Personal space
The buffer zone we like to maintain around our bodies (#20)
Personality D/O
Deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional behavior patterns (#20)
Perspectives in psych-
Physiological study of the brain (#20)
Perspectives in Psych-
Observable patterns of behavior (#20)
Perspectives in Psych-
Unconscious mind (#20)
Perspectives in psych-
How people think, perceive, learn, and remember (#20)
Perspectives in psych-
Study of free will and help my others teach their full potential (#20)
Perspectives in psych-
Human traits that we have adapted through natural selection (#20)
Perspectives in psych-
Awareness of circumstances surrounding individuals and how their behaviors are affected specifically by their surrounding, social and cultural factors (#20)
The observable characteristics produced by ones genetic endowment (#20)
Phi phenomenon
An illusion of movement created when two or more adjacent lights blink on and off in quick succession (#20)
Smallest possible units of spoken language (#20)
Light-sensitive cell in the eye upon which light registers (#20)
Newborn Baby Reflexes
Rooting- baby’s cheek is touched, baby moves it’s head
Moro-baby- hears loud sound, baby throws its head
Babinski- foot is touched, big toe bends back
People being unable to recall information after their turn to perform (#19)
Nonverbal communication
Process by which we communicate via wordless cues (#19)
Normative social influence
Influence resulting from a person’s desire to gain approval (#19)
an understood rule for accepted and expected behavior (#19)
Novelty preference
Infants are more likely to pay attention to new objects or people (#19)
Obedience experiment
Measured the willingness of people to obey an authority figure (#19)
Obsessive compulsive d/o (OCD)
Disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (#19)
Oedipus Complex
Boy’s sexual desire for his mom, hates dad (#19)
Operant conditioning
Behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcer, diminished if followed by punisher (#19)
Operational Definition
Statement of procedures used to define research variables (#19)
Opponent- Process Theory
Theory that opposing retinal processes enable color vision (#19)
Optic disc
Raised disk on the retina point of entry, lacking visual receptors creating a blind spot (#19)
Optic Nerve
Nerve that carries neural impulses from the eye to the brain (#19)
Optimist Explanatory Style
A psychological attribute that indicates how people explain (#19)
Outgroup Bias
“Them” those perceived as different, bias towards them (#19)
Occurs when an external incentive decreases a person’s will (#19)
Language-learning process, children extend regular words (#19)
Process of using lots of words to make a sentence longer (#19)
Carries the impulse throughout the neuron (#18)
Myelin sheath
A fatty tissue layer that protects the axon (#18)
Terminal buttons
Knobs that releases chemicals called neurotransmitters (#18)
The junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite (#18)
Carries incoming information from the sensory receptors to the CNS (#18)
Neurons that carry info from the brain to the muscles (#18)
Neurons within the brain and spinal cord that communicate internally (#18)
Action potential
A brief electrical charge that travels down an axon (#18)
Resting potential
The electrical potential of a neuron (#18)
Refractory period
A man cannot achieve another orgasm after orgasm (#18)
Naturalistic observation
Observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situation (#18)
Negative punishment
Withdraw a rewarding stimulus (#18)
Negative reinforcement
Increasing behaviors by reducing negative stimuli (#18)
Nerve deafness
Hearing loss caused by damage to the cochlea (#18)
Central-brain Peripheral/spinal cord
Perception and processing of stimuli/motor functions (#18)
Autonomic/Somatic nervous system
Controls the muscles of organs/ controls the body’s skeletal muscles (#18)
Nodes of Ranvier
A gap in the myelin sheath of a nerve (#18)
A neurons extension that receives info (#18)
Soma (cell body)
Contains the nucleus and protects it (#18)