PgMP Knowledge and Understanding Flashcards
5 Domains
- Strategic Program Management
- Program Life Cycle
- Benefits Management
- Stakeholder Management
- Governance
Strategic Program Management - identifying… and … that achieve the organization’s strategic… through program…
benefits and opportunities
Program Life Cycle activities (5)
Benefits Management - d…, c…, m…, and s… the benefits provided by programs
Stakeholder Management - capturing stakeholder… and…, gaining and maintaining stakeholder.., and …/… opposition
Capturing stakeholder needs and expectations, gaining and maintaining stakeholder support, and mitigating/channeling opposition
Governance - establishing … and maintaining… for proactive program management… and … support for applicable policies and practices throughout the entire program life cycle
Establishing processes and maintaining procedures for maintaining proactive program management oversight and decision-making support for applicable policies and practices throughout the entire program life cycle
An initial program assessment defines… (O,R,R)
objectives, requirements, and risks
an initial program assessment ensures program alignment with the organization’s … (sp,o,p,v, and ms)
strategic plan, objectives, priorities, vision and mission statement
a program is defined as related…, subsidiary …, and program … managed in a coordinated manner to obtain benefits not available from managing them …
programs are conducted primarily to deliver… to the… or constituents of the … organization
program components: p…, s… or other related activities conduction to support a program
subsidiary programs
projects are … endeavors undertaken to create a unique p.., s…, or result
5 constraints
cost, scope, quality
time and specifications
subsidiary programs
or ‘subprograms’ , … more
a portfolio is linked to…
strategic business objectives
a time-bound activity is an…
when activities (components) are being managed in a coordinated way to obtain additional benefits…
complex operation
a business case is for…
business justification
the PWBS is based on …
(Program Work Breakdown Structure)
the PWBS does not contain the description of the…, it merely breaks up the program deliverables into …
program packages,
smaller, more manageable units
in an environment where there is a great degree of uncertainty, it is good to use a …
rolling wave approach
the rolling wave approach allows a team to plan…
as much as possible
bottom-up estimates may not be possible where there are too many…
uncertainties about the work
why should the preparation of a PWBS ideally involve the teams, along with the program and project managers?
because it creates buy-in from the team
what is the usual starting point in all the planning processes on a program or project?
scope planning
the identification of benefits and costs is done during …
business case development
features needed is another word for …
what is done after scope statement, distribution of work among components has been determined, and WBS created?
determine schedule, cost, and resource requirements
scope cannot and should not be baselined independent of the…
schedule and financial requirements
what is the purpose of a project WBS if you have a program WBS?
to break the work down into smaller deliverables that can be better managed by the project managers
WBS does not include … or … analysis, …, … requirements
make or buy analysis
compliance requirements
What are the two functions of the program manager with regard to a project’s Validate Scope process?
- … and … about scope
- ensure the … produced by the projects can contribute to the creation of … for the customers of the program
oversight and guidance
the PWBS includes all the work of the program at…
a high level
baseline represents the agreement between the… about what…
program and its stakeholders
program will deliver
what is it called when you are trying to deliver more than the program baseline?
gold plating
the baseline does not correlate … with …
components with benefits
while a baseline does not … changes, it does … them
Program architecture establishes the … between .. and how they …
contribute to the benefits
KPIs and thresholds for measuring benefits achievement are in the … or the …
benefits register
benefits realization plan
the program governance plan may contain summarized …, the composition of the …, and schedule of the…
goals of the program
governance board
regular and phase gate review meetings
who issues the program charter?
the sponsor
are charters useful for acceptance tests?
an issued charter can be utilized to establish key…, detail the high level … , and establish alignment of the program with the …
benefits and outcomes
constraints and assumptions
strategy of the organization
when a project depends on another project, what kind of dependency is the for that project?
external dependency
the management of interdependencies within a program is the responsibility of the…
program manager
a mismatch in time expecations cannot, on its own, be the basis of a …
procurement decision
a CPI of 0.8 and SPI of 1.2 means that the project is …
ahead of shchedule
if a project is overbudget and ahead of schedule, what is the likely method of compressing the schedule?
what are the two ways to compress a schedule?
what is the difference between fast-tracking and crashing
fast-tracking: activities performed sequentially are performed in parallel
crashing: adding resources to the project
who identifies risk on a program?
deploying additional resources from a resource pool is what risk repsonse strategy?
What are the 8 risk response strategies?
Transfer, Exploit, Enhance, Accept, Avoid, Mitigate, Share
3 phases of program activities
Definition Phase
Delivery Phase
Closure Phase
The program definition phase establishes and confirms… for the program and then develops a … for its delivery.
the business case
detailed plan
the two parts of the definition phase
program formulation
program planning
Scope Baseline is the approved version of the …, …, and its associated …
scope statement
WBS dictionary
The Project Scope Statement contains the project…, major …, …, and …
project scope
major deliverables
The Work Breakdown Structure is a … of the total scope of work to be carried out.
hierarchal decomposition
scope, cost, and time cannot all be…
fixed at the same time
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct specifies obligations of …
The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct requires that practitioners demonstrate a commitment to….
ethical and professional conduct
Programs deliver their intended benefits primarily through component … and subsidiary … that are pursued to produce outputs and outcomes.
component projects and subsidiary programs
Other program-related activities are … or … that are being conducted to …, but that are not directly tied to the subsidiary … or … sponsored or conducted by a program.
work processes
Validate Scope determines whether…
the deliverables should be accepted
KPIs and thresholds are most likely in the…
benefits register
The primary difference between projects and programs is based on the recognition within… that the strategies for delivering benefits may need to be … as the outcomes of components are individually realized.
optimized adaptively
The primary value of managing an initiative as a program is based on the acknowledgment of the program manager’s readiness to …
adapt strategies to optimize the delivery benefits of the orgnaization
program components may need to be pursued in an … manner
iterative, non-sequential
What are the two ways that programs are generally initiated?
before or during
Where does CPI come from?
Earned Value / Actual Cost
Where does SPI come from?
Earned Value / Planned Value
Contingency reserves are used for…
known unknowns
A portfolio is a collection of …, …, …, and … managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives
subsidiary portfolios
Program management is defined as the application of …, …, and … to a program to achieve the program … and obtain … and … not available by managing the program components …
Rolling wave planning is the process of project planning in … as the project proceeds and later … become clearer.
in rolling-wave planning, work to be done in the … is based on …;
also, … are set.
in the near term
high-level assumptions
high-level milestones
In rolling-wave planning, as the project progresses, the …, …, and …. originally identified become more defined and reliable.
Monte Carlo simulations are used to model the … of different outcomes in a process that cannot easily be predicted due to the intervention of … variables.
probability of different outcomes
random variables
organizational project management
Portfolio management is the … of one or more portfolios to achieve …
centralized management
strategic objectives
Program management is the application of …, …, and … to a program to achieve the program objectives and to obtain … and … not available by managing program components individually.
knowledge, skills, and principles
benefits and control
Program management focuses on the … and … delivery of benefits derived from the pursuit of a group of projects and other programs whose outcomes are …
coordinated and effective
Pareto analysis is used to …
Ishikawa diagrams are used to uncover …
root causes
Mind map is a technique used to …
organize thoughts in a systematic manner
The Delphi technique is a … process framework based on the results of … sent to experts
multiple rounds of questionaires
workaround by definition is an …
unplanned response
Through … , the program manager oversees and analyzes component … to determine the … approach for managing program components.
Program Management Performance Domains
The relationship between program and portfolio management is …
The interactions and relationships between program managers and project managers may … over the program life cycle.
The interactions between the program and project management functions tend to be … and …
Organizations address the need for change by creating … to produce results, or change the organization, it’s products or its services.
strategic business initiatives
Organizations employ program management to improve their…
abilities to deliver benefits.
Secondary risks arise from the … employed to address an existing risk
response plans
If work is known to be technically complex and the scope of work is unstable, then what kind of contract cannot be used?
Fixed Price
With an unstable scope, what kind of contract is best?
cost-reimbursable with incentive
The rule of 7 states that … calls for an investigation and process is deemed to be out of control.
7 consecutive points in ascending and descending sequence
Program management enables organizations to more effectively pursue their strategic goals through the … pursuit of projects, subsidiary programs, and other program-related activities.
A program manager is the person authorized by the … to lead the team or teams responsible for achieving program …
performing organization
achieving program objectives
In programs, it is recognized that the best means of delivering benefits may be …
As a consequence, programs should be managed in a way that recognizes the potential need to … strategies and plans during the course of a program to … delivery benefits.
adapt strategies and plans
optimize the delivery of benefits.
The performance domains and supporting program activities discuss the …, …, and … required for managing u…, navigating c…, and implementing c… in a program environment, to optimize the delivery of program benefits.
principles, practices, and program management skills
uncertainty, complexity and change
A program sponsor is an individual or a group that provies resources an suppor for the prgram and is accountable for enableing success.
Program Management Performance Domains
Program Strategy Alignment
Program Benefits Alignment
Program Stakeholder Engagement
Program Governance
Program Life Cycle Management
Program Strategy Alignment - identifies program output and outcomes to privde benfits aligned with the organziation’s goal and objectives
Program Benefits Alignment - dfines, creates, maximized, and delivers the benefits provided by the program.
Program Stakeholder Engagement - identifies and analyzes stakehodler needs and manages expectations and communciation to foster stakehodler support
Program Governance - enables and performs program deicsion making, estabslihss pratices ato suppor the program, an dmaintains program oversight
Porgram Life Cycle Management - manages porgram activities required to facilitate effective porgram defintion, program delivery, and prgram colsures.
A program is closed when teh benefits and bojectives to ab be achieved by the program ar no longer in alignment iwth teh organization’s strategy or when measurements against the program’s key poerformanc eindicators reveal that the buisn case for the porgrma is ln no longer viable.
Typical portfolio groupings of work include efforts staffed from the same resource pool, work delivered to teh same client, or work conducted in the same accounting period
Kaizen involves proactively improving the organization and continuously trying to improve as an organization.
Zero defects involve establishing what the customer … and providing it … without waste or having to … work.
the first time
What is the time difference between portfolios and programs?
portfolios are not constrained by time
How is relatedness different for programs and portfolios?
In a program, the work included is interdependent such that achieving the full intended benefits is dependent on the delivery of all components in the scope of the program.
In a portfolio, the work included is related ina any way seen fit.
What are three characteristics that distinguish programs from projects?
Managing Change
What are two characteristics that distinguish portfolios from programs
Uncertainty is especially high in the beginning of a program as …
the outcomes are not clear
The expected output of project are generally more certain than those of programs…
at the time of their inception
Programs require a management style that embraces … in order to address it…
more effectively
Two categories of change for program managers
Internal change refers to changes …
within the program
external changes refer to the need to … in order for it to be able to … created by the program
adapt the organization
exploit the benefits
The Program Governance Board falls under what area of Program Management?
Program Benefits Management
What is a matrix organization?
A matrix organization is defined as one in which there is dual or multiple managerial accountability and responsibility. However, the term matrix means quite different things to different people and in different industries (1)(5). In a matrix there are usually two chains of command, one along functional lines and the other along project, product, or client lines. Other chains of command such as geographic location are also possible.
Kaizen is ___ intrusive.
Tests at a program level quality plan are likely to include ___.
Request for Quote / Invitation to Bid
Requests for quotes tend to be more detailed in pricing. And may include
The Program Governance domain integrates with the ___ domain to help ensure that the program is continuously aligned with the organizational strategy and that the intended value can still be achived.
Benefits Management Performance
Define the Six Sigma principles
A project provides a set of ___ to a program which integrates them to create ___ which flow into the portfolio which is of ___ importance to the organization.
What is smoothing?
Smoothing is a conflict resolution technique that tries to reduce the temperature of the conflict to buy time so that a better solution may be found. Best used if parties are coming to blows.
Who is responsible for planning transition?
Program Manager
What is the purpose of the benefits transition phase?
To ensure that program benefits are transitioned to operational areas and can be sustained once they are transferred.
Is it the PMO or the Program Manager that decides the granularity of the program management plan.
Program Manager
performance management and employee engagement to ensure that employee ___ is maximized
A project provides a set of deliverables to a program which integrates them to create benefits which flow into the porfolio which is of stragic importance to the organization.
What is zero base budgeting?
What are the outputs of the program definition phase?
In a matrix organization the resources are owned by the ___.
What is the difference between Y-Theory and X-Theory
Really really what is NPV compared to IRR?
What is BCR?
Benefit Cost Ratio
For a BCR of greater than 1, the project is expected to deliver ___
a positive NPV to its firm and its investors.
NPV and IRR are better measures of benefit cost analysis as the include ___.
the time value of money.
What is the hurdle rate?
The cost of capital.
What are the n
Who provides resources?
the business case validates ___ and ___ feasibility
market and financial (or ecnomic)
Organizations build strategy to define how their ___ will be achieved.
NPV give a dollar value of discounted cash flows
IRR give a % return rate
projects create ___, programs create ___
deliverables, benefits
Management by exception is a style of business management that focuses on identifying and handling cases that deviate from the norm, recommended as best practice by the project management method.
Portfolio Rationalization is management of a collection of Projects or Applications to optimize business spend and value returned. Project Rationalization: If a company is not canceling the bottom 20% of projects yearly, then it is not managing its project portfolio effectively.
Portfolio Rationalization is management of a collection of Projects or Applications to optimize business spend and value returned. Project Rationalization: If a company is not canceling the bottom 20% of projects yearly, then it is not managing its project portfolio effectively.
Portfolio is a strategic grouping of components that meet specific business objectives
The Company is going for backward integration by deciding to insource the machinery needed for its operations.
3 point estimation techniques.
analgous, bottom up, parametric, and expert estimations
reporting: weighted mileston, EVM, fixed formula progress, forecast
3 poitn estimation technique