Personaliy Development 1 and 2 Flashcards
What is the term given to A person’s internally based characteristic ways of acting thinking and feeling.
What are the different theories of Personality
Psychoanalytic approach Trait approach Biological Humanistic/phenomenological Behaviorist/learning Cognitive approach Interactionist perspective
What are the two theories for the Psychoanalytic Approach
Freudian Classical Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality
Neo-Freudian Theories of Personality
True or False, Freud’s Theory included that Unconscious motivations influence personality
True or False, Sigmund Freud Believed sex was a primary cause of emotional problems and was a critical component of his personality theory
Psychoanalytic Structure of the Mind is divided into what 3 parts
True or False, The unconscious mind stored in your memory that you are not presently aware of but can gain access to
False it is preconscious mind
What mind contains the primary motivations for all of our actions and feelings
unconscious mind
What is Freud’s Three-Part Personality Structure
Id, Ego, Superego
What part of the personality Operates on a pleasure principle according to Freud’s Three-Part Personality Structure
What part of the personality Is the original personality, the only part present at birth and the part out of which the other two parts of our personality emerge, according to Freud’s Three-Part Personality Structure
What part of the personality Operates on the reality principle, according to Freud’s Three-Part Personality Structure
What part of the personality Starts developing during the first year or so of life, according to Freud’s Three-Part Personality Structure
True or False, Part of the ego is unconscious (tied to the id) and part of the ego is conscious and preconscious (tied to the external world)
What part of the personality, Operates on a morality principle, according to Freud’s Three-Part Personality Structure
The Superego
What kind of processes are used to distort reality and protect us from anxiety
Defense Mechanisms
What are the names of Freud’s Defense Mechanisms
Repression, Regression, Displacement, Sublimation, Reaction Formation, Projection, Rationalization
What defense mechanism is associated with the example of Not remembering a traumatic incident in which you witnessed a crime
What defense mechanism is associated with Unknowingly placing an unpleasant memory or thought in the unconscious
What defense mechanism is associated with Throwing temper tantrums as an adult when you don’t get your way
What defense mechanism is associated with Reverting back to immature behavior from an earlier stage of development
What defense mechanism is associated with Redirecting unacceptable feelings from the original source to a safer substitute target
What defense mechanism is associated with Taking your anger toward your boss out on your spouse or children by yelling at them and not your boss
Incomplete repression when urges seep out in
dream symbols and “Freudian slips”
Wha is another name for Freudian Slip
What is the term given to is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought. Integral to classical psychoanalysis.
Freudian Slip
What defense mechanism is associated with Channeling aggressive drives into playing football or inappropriate sexual desires into art
What defense mechanism is associated with Acting in exactly the opposite way to one’s unacceptable impulses
Reaction Formation
What defense mechanism is associated with Being overprotective of and lavishing attention on an unwanted child
Reaction Formation
What defense mechanism is associated with Attributing one’s own unacceptable feelings and thoughts to others and not yourself
What defense mechanism is associated with Accusing your boyfriend of cheating on you because you have felt like cheating on him
What defense mechanism is associated with Creating false excuses for one’s unacceptable feelings, thoughts, or behavior
What defense mechanism is associated with Justifying cheating on an exam by saying that everyone else cheats
Unhealthy Personalities develop when
the id or superego is unusually strong or the ego unusually weak,
we become too dependent upon defense mechanisms
Term given to the area of the body where the id’s pleasure-seeking psychic energy is focused during a particular stage of psychosexual development
erogenous zone
True or False, A change in erogenous zones designates the beginning of a new stage according to Freuds Pschosexual Stage Theory
Term given to a portion of the id’s pleasure-seeking energy remains in a stage because of excessive gratification or frustration of our instinctual needs and continue throughout the person’s life and impact their behavior and personality traits
What stage (age range) is associated with Sucking, biting, and chewing
Oral (birth to 1½ years)
What stage (age range) is associated with Bowel retention and elimination
Anal (1½ to 3 years)
What stage (age range) is associated withIdentifying with same-sex parent to learn gender role and sense of morality
Phallic (3 to 6 years)
What stage (age range) is associated with Cognitive and social development
Latency (6 years to puberty)
What stage (age range) is associated withDevelopment of sexual relationships, moving toward intimate adult relationships
Genital (puberty to adulthood)
What are the traits associated with anal-retentive personality
orderliness, neatness, stinginess, and obstinacy develops
What personality develops when the child rebels against the harsh training and has bowel movements whenever and wherever he desires
What Phallic Stage Conflict exists when the little boy becomes sexually attracted to his mother and fears the father (his rival) will find out and castrate him
Oedipus conflict
What Phallic Stage Conflict exists when the little girl is attracted to her father because he has a penis; she wants one and feels inferior without one (penis envy)
Electra conflict
What part of the personality develops during identification
What are the three Neo-Freudian Theories of Personality
Carl Jung’s Collective Unconscious
Alfred Adler’s Striving for Superiority
Karen Horneyand the Need for Security
Term given to the accumulated universal experiences of humankind, with each of us inheriting the same cumulative storehouse of all human experiences
collective unconscious
Who’s theory is associated with Notions of collective unconscious and archetypes are more mystical than scientific and cannot be empirically tested
Carl Jung’s Collective Unconscious
Name given to images and symbols of all the important themes in the history of humankind (e.g., God, mother, hero
What are the two main personalities in Carl Jung’sCollective Unconscious
extraversion and introversion
What are the Four functions/styles of gathering information
Sensing is the reality function in which the world is carefully perceived
Intuiting is more subjective perception
Thinking is logical deduction
Feeling is the subjective emotional function
Carl Jung’s Collective Unconscious forms the basis of what indicator type
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,
Who’s theory is associated with overcome the sense of inferiority that we feel as infants totally dependent on the “ other”
Alfred Adler’s Striving for Superiority
Term given to the strong feeling of inferiority felt by those who never overcome this initial feeling of inferiority given to
Inferiority complex
Who’s theory is associated with The focus is on our need for security, rather than a sense of inferiority
Karen Horney and The Need for Security
What are the 3 Neurotic personality patterns, according to Karen Horney and The Need for Security
Moving toward people :A compliant, submissive person
Moving against people: An aggressive, domineering person
Moving away from people: A detached, aloof person
Name given to an arrangement of the innate needs that motivate our behavior, from the strongest needs at the bottom of the pyramid to the weakness needs at the top of the pyramid
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Who is the father of the humanistic movement
Abraham Maslow
What are the 5 parts to
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
What are the 5 parts to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Psyiological Needs Safety Needs Belongingness and Love Needs Esteem Needs Self Actualiztion Nees
What Hierarchy of Needs does this fall under: Accepting themselves, others, and the nature of world for what they are
What Hierarchy of Needs does this fall under Having a need for privacy and only a few close, emotional relationships
What Hierarchy of Needs does this fall under Being autonomous and independent, democratic, and very creative
What Hierarchy of Needs does this fall under Having peak experiences, which are experiences of deep insight in which you experience whatever you are doing as fully as possible
Who’s theory includes Unconditional positive regard – acceptance and approval without conditions
Roger’s Self Theory
Who’s theory includes Empathy from others, and having others be genuine with respect to their own feelings is necessary if we are to self-actualized
Roger’s Self Theory
Who’s theory includes Personality comes from self-concept
Roger’s Self Theory
True or False, According to the Self Theory, Believe that people have a strong need for positive regard – to be accepted by and have the affection of others, especially the significant others in our life
True or False, According to the Self Theory, Our parents set up conditions of worth, the behaviors and attitudes for which they would give us positive regard
True or False,Maslow and Roger’s theories are research-based
What Theory of Personality is associated with Contrasting with the explanatory psychoanalytic and humanistic approaches and is more of a Descriptive approach to personality
The Trait Perspective
What do theorists use to to tell them how many basic personality factors (or traits) are needed to describe human personality
factor analysis
What are personality Traits
Personality traits are internally based, relatively stable characteristics that define an individual’s personality
What are the 3 major research perspectives in Social-Cognitive Approach to Personality
What approach to personality include learning through environmental conditioning contributes to personality development
Social-Cognitive Approach to Personality
True or False, According to,The Social-Cognitive Approach to Personality , social learning/modeling and cognitive processes, such as perception and thinking, are also involved and are actually more important to the development of our personality
What theorist established using factor analysis, found that 16 traits were necessary to describe human personality
Raymond B. Cattell
What theorist established using factor analysis, argued for three trait dimensions
Hans Eysenck
True or False Eysenck’s theory is at a more general and inclusive level of abstraction than Cattell’s
What are the three types of Eysenck’s Three-Factor Theory
True or False, Eysenck argued that these traits are determined by heredity
Five-Factor Model of Personality are measured using what instrument
What 5 facts are said to be be universal and are consistent from about age 30 to late adulthood
Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
What dimension is associated with the High End Characteristic: Independent, imaginative, broad interests, receptive to new ideas
What dimension is associated with the Low End Characteristic: Conforming, practical, narrow interests, closed to new ideas
What dimension is associated with the High End Characteristic: Well-organized, dependable, careful, disciplined
What dimension is associated with the Low End Characteristic: Disorganized, undependable, careless, impulsive
What dimension is associated with the High End Characteristic: Sociable, talkative, friendly, adventurous
What dimension is associated with the Low End Characteristic: Reclusive, quiet, aloof, cautious
What dimension is associated with the High End Characteristic: Sympathetic, polite, good-natured, soft-hearted
What dimension is associated with the Low End Characteristic: Tough-minded, rude, irritable, ruthless
What dimension is associated with the High End :Emotional, insecure, nervous, self-pitying
What dimension is associated with the Low End Characteristic: Calm, secure, relaxed, self-satisfied
What are the three cognitive theories of personalities
Activating Events
Consequences (depression).
True or False, In Cognitive Theory of Personality, individuals make themselves emotionally healthy or emotionally upset by the way they think, not by the environment;
True or False, In personality disorders, it is a Disorder of TRAIT rather than state
What is characteristics contribute to cluster A personality disorders
What is characteristics contribute to cluster B personality disorders
Histrionic - Antisocial
Narcissistic - Borderline
What is characteristics contribute to cluster C personality disorders
What cluster is described as the odd, eccentric cluster
Cluster A
What cluster is described as the Avoidant
Cluster B
What cluster is described as the anxious, fearful cluster
Cluster C