Personality Vol 1 Flashcards




1 - travel or stay one place job IDK явсмЫаи
2 - A
3 - routine yes or no - both?? Who am i bruh 16
4 - A
5 - Idk lol (body odors) no
6 - B (idc)…no
7 - A A
8 - A B
9 - A (i hallucinate enough bruh) B
10 - A (i guess lol) A
11- A (free in danger) B
12 - A all the way
13 - B (hell yeah)
14 - depends but I guess B
15 - B
16 - B LETS ARGUE (yes more stimulating)
17 - B B
18 - A A
19 - B(idk) A
20 - A a
22 - neither i guess A?? A
23 - A can i go jumping without a parachute A
24 - B B
25 - B MUSIC&raquo_space; B
26 - A (id rather say B but yk…) A
27 - A B
28 - B buttttt modern are is shit so A B
29 - B (rude is fun and honest boring is well.. boring) B
30 - B !!! B
31- A (unstable) I WISH I could say calm TwT A
32 - A - Art disturbs the comforted and comforts the disturbed A
33 - B (used to be A) B
34 - Honestly A that’s true in my - BOTH> LITERALLY BOTH I would like to drive or ride on a motorcycle because I have an unconcious need to hurt myself lol B

This is literally the call with that irish guy lol

Well this whole thing is fucked he went too fucking fast
Low -
Intermediate -
High -

This scale sucks objectively

19 or something idk

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1) Reflect on social interactions. Do you tend to seek out more stimulated social stimulations, or do you prefer quieter, more lowkey envirements? How do you think this impacts your relationships?

I love being by myself. I love quiet and lowkey envirements to draw, read, or create music in solitude. When I am around other people, I prefer more stimulated envirements that harbor excitement and unpredictability. One example is going to underground shows where there is an abundance of noise, lights, and energy. Most people see me as the chill, quiet, laid back, non-chalant friend but inside I do feel a lot of intense emotions. I can be daring when it comes to risky activity such as cliff jumping or rollercoasters from seeking an adreneline thrill.

2) Based on your sensation-seeking tendencies, do you think this influences your short term and long term goals?

I think sensation-seekingthis does influence my goals. For example, one of the questions were about being a salesperson -if you wou would rather have a fixed salary or have the chance to earn more as a commision, even if that also involves the risk of making less money. I chose the second option. I wrote a song about this idea. “Break the facauet, drain the pool, I’ll drink water when it rains.” The faucet and pool are manmade and fixed rewards, but the rain is unpredictable, with fast and slow seasons. I’d prefer a job when less stablity if it meant having more responsibility in an avanue I am passionate about. This would also encourage a person to work as hard as they can because the outcome is directly tied to their efforts.

3) Based on your score, do you think the scale accurately reflected your sensation-seeking tendency?

Choose any theory we’ve disucessed and choose one of a component of one to relfect on your personal life

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Theories of Personality


1) Reflect on social interactions. Do you tend to seek out more stimulated social stimulations, or do you prefer quieter, more lowkey envirements? How do you think this impacts your relationships?

I love being by myself. I love quiet and lowkey envirements to draw, read, or create music in solitude. When I am around other people, I prefer more stimulated envirements that harbor excitement and unpredictability. One example is going to underground shows where there is an abundance of noise, lights, and energy. Most people see me as the chill, quiet, laid back, non-chalant friend but inside I do feel a lot of intense emotions. I can be daring when it comes to risky activity such as cliff jumping or rollercoasters from seeking an adreneline thrill.

2) Based on your sensation-seeking tendencies, do you think this influences your short term and long term goals?

I think sensation-seeking tendencies do influence my goals. For example, one of the questions were about being a salesperson -if you would rather have a fixed salary or have the chance to earn more as a commision, even if it also involves the risk of making less money. I chose the second option, and have also written a song on this idea. “Break the facauet, drain the pool, I’ll drink water when it rains.” The faucet and pool are manmade and fixed rewards, but the rain is unpredictable, with fast and slow seasons. I’d choose a job with less stablity if it meant having more responsibility in an avanue I am passionate about. This would also encourage a person to work as hard as they can because the outcome is directly tied to their effort.

3) Based on your score, do you think the scale accurately reflected your sensation-seeking tendency?

Although I believe some of the questions had nuance to them which would effect the reasoning behind my answers apart from the test’s goal, I do believe that my overall result alligned with how I view the level of my sensation-seeking tendencies, making the test generally accurate.

4) Choose any theory we’ve disucessed and choose one of a component of one to relfect on your personal life.

Nothing immediately jumped out at me as we were learning about these theories because I wasn’t consciously trying to relate to them. However, later today, an incident came up that fit the description of one of these terms perfectly; “Learned Helplessness.” Without going into too much detail, I went through some of the hardest times in my life alone. I tried to reach out on multiple occasions but was either overlooked or hurt even more. Now I’m doing much better, but whenever I am struggling with something, I avoid seeking or accepting help from anyone because I’m either suspicious of their motives or don’t believe they’re capable of fulfilling their intentions.

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