Personality Vol II Flashcards
Had a more individualistic approach
Social comparism in early childhood
Inferior self-esteem issues insecure
According to Alfred we strive for superiority
Some feelings of inferiorty are resolve, for others it is not
Overcompensate feelings of inferiority, boasting about themselves
Another college of Froyd
1 Trust vs Mistrust 0-18
Depends on the quality of the caregiver relationship
Caregiver reflects their inner perceptions of trustworthiness
-spoiling child
Hop/Fear, suspicion
Persists well into adulthood
Doesnt think they can be manipulative but they can..
2 Atonomy vs Shame/Doubt 18 months 3 years
Developing sense of independence vs self doubt
Freedom and encouragement
Goals: Self control without loss of self esteem
Will/Shame, doubt
Envirement that is tolerate of failure
Inititive VS Guilt 3-6
Inititive is ability to initiate avtivities oneself rather than merely responding to
Guilt felt at not measuring up to other’s expectations, feelings as a burdern, usually presenting themselves as a fp;;pwer
Less about gaining control. More towards an end goal
Industry vs Inferiority 6-12
Industry - a sense of confidence school, sports, friends
Parents nurture children to reflect on experiences, including necccesary failures
Children with disengaged/demanding parents may have trouble with perspective of failtures leading to a sense of integrity
Indentity VS Role Confusion 12-18
Who am I?
Friends/Peers become a bigger influence than parents
Ego Identity/Self
Develop Self through interactions
A lot of people just adopt what others are like personality traits/values rather than having your own
If you don’t know your passion or what you wanna do in life then you’re likely to burn out from jobs you get
Fidelity/Role Confusion
Carl Yung Analytical psychological
Collective unconscious
More biological/
We have a lot of shared memories because our previous ancestors passed those down
For example similar dreams
Depictions seen throughout human experience
Different themes
Hero VS VIllian
Transcends all culture so it must have adaptive purpose in our genetic DNA …….
Yung influencal in personality psychology bc he proposed introversm vs extraversom
Intro VS Extra version
Extraversion prefers to engage with outside
Gather enery from social settings
Introverts energize through alone timeD
DOesmt mean theyh dont like being social, they just get dfrained by social settings more easily
More internal reflective deep thimkinh
Didnt htink one is better than the other, you need both
Introverts should seek out social to see different perspective
Extroverts should spend time alome to refect on their own thoughts or feelings
Most people are somewhere in betwen
Karen Horney
Neo Froydiant
Disagreed alot with Froyd
Especiallt the jealousy thing
Suggested three styles of coping in which people cope with everyday problems
1) Moving towards people
2) Moving against people
3) Moving away from people
2 and 3 is where its at. :)
Interact, Identity, Affiliation, Dependence (compliance)
Tendency to seek out what they didnt have in childhood
Needing excessive validation and love
Agression and Manipulation (power) Agression and Manipulation
Learn from observation to behave like caregiver. Treated too harshly
E,braceive, hurtful, exploitent in others
Learn to engage in ways that are like their caregiver
Withdrawl, isolation and detachment
Child withdrawn from the world and isolate, adult loner
Trouble forming relationships trouple seeking them bc they feel like it’s better to be alone than to be hurt
Behavioral Perspective
Focused on what we can observe and measure and test
No such thing as personality
Behave based on consequences they expect
Personality is shaped by the reinforcement and consequences outside of the organism
Social Cognitive perspective
Albert Bandura
Social learning. Is some throught processing involve
We behave based on expected consequences Boba Doll experiement
Observational Learning big impact
Cognitive Perspective
A relatively permanent change in behavior or knowldge that results in experience
Not talking about math and stuff rn more like learning behaviors
Types of Leaning
Classical and Operant Condition
Classical Conditioning
Assoicating two events together, outside of awareness. Implicint
Unconditioned stimulus (USC) elicits a regflexice response
Unconditioned response. Hand on hot stove revert behavior
Neuatral stimulus is
Pair neutral stimulus does not initially elecit a responsive
Conditioned stimulus
- neautral stumulus pairs with the unconditioned stimulus
Condition dogs to salivate to something that is not food like a bell or lightbulb even when there is no food present
Unconditioning stimulus - water
Unconditoning repsinse - flinching
Neautral stimunlus - can
Word can became conditipned ebcause it became assocaited with being sprayed by water
COnditpning resposne - flinching to the word can
Song or cologne that reminds you of somone
We can unlearn behaviors as well
Aquisition - initial pricess of lea
Learned helplessness
A coping strategy is to do nothing about it
Dog standing still
Elaphants growingup up
Evangause Curve
After 30 days youre liekly to forget 90% if not revisted
Even in the first day you forget half
Operant Conditioning
Assocating behavioir with its consequences. More explicit. Choice. Free Will
Obsevational Learning
Associating a model with its behavior
Cognitive Learning
Aquiring of mental information that guides behavior