Day 1 Flashcards
Communication, networking, overload of information. Mirror
The flaws in technology
Its how you use it
Brainwashing thje algorithim
Polarization thaeitjasopdjgasodngsjdg stTHATS THE WOIRD damn.
Cmon brain,.
Ability to think innotively declines as you
Unlimited access
Pressure to keep conversations going
To reply
Omg he’s so real
Range of choice
Go to a icecream shop - paralyzing, overhtinking, not feeling as satsidiefd with your choice
Eliiot smith
Guitar - chords
To have all those choices its on you to limit yourself
Structure rules decision making we were designed to follow God fr.
Choice overload
Dating yess like Rhino said - that’s like what I said not feeling satsified with your choice because you think their might be someone better
Without dating apps limited to whoevers in your vicinity
Lead to not making a decision
Rather not make a choice and not regret it
Jam Study
5 - attracted 40% purchased 30%
24 - attracted 60% purchased 3%.
(This is perfect for sales and manipulation)
Paradox of Progress
Industrial and imformation agr achievements are creating a world eith more dangerous and richer oppurtunities.
INdivuals must adjust to a rapdifly acceleration cultral change
Rapid change leading to feelings of anxiety and uncertainty
Anxiety -> fear’
Turn to self help books, non-experts, cults, media/the internet
Psudo science
Falsifiable means it can be proven right or right
Aka it can’t be tested
Psydo science is not falsifiable
Psychoanalysis was a psudo science
Psychology provides an objective understanding of the human condition based on sound (valid, reliable) research evidence
Mail Brooks
Strudy of observable behavior/actions by an organism and mental processes, - thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, motivations. And PPhysiological processes - neural impulses, genetic coding, gestation, hormonal secreations etc.
Some consider it a soft science because things we studies arent alwats observable like thoughts, feelings, emptions, and memoreis
Correlational research - we cant imply that something causes something all the timew
Psychological processes through which people manageoorr cope with everyday demands or challenges
Factors that affect adjustment
Natural VS Supernatural
Super means - above or beyong (I knew it >.< kms) im going pyshcotic in psych class
Ghosts, demons, aliens are simply not part of psychology because it is not testable
I do not have common sense
Scientific approach to behavior (ARE THERE SLIDES PLZ)
Sceientific method
I hate thsi classfasdgndg
Make predictions, valifation existing thoery, or change it
1) proposing falsifiable (testable hypothesis
2) testing it
3) im assuming uyou do the top part
Sugar makes kids hyper
Metaanayliss multiple studies tdone on. One topic to confirm how true sinnehing is so this isnt true
Hyper - energetic - loudness - frequency - get up
Sugar - candy with sugar intake
Kids - 6 year olds, gender
Boy are more rough/physically active and girls are more social like gossiping and dolls boys with sports at least encouraged by society
Location - school (natural normal envirement) More active in school than they are at home (yes for recess)
Classtime for better research
Girls so we know that the sugar is impacting them rather than their gender or like reccess
Ideally girls indoors I shouldve answered ughhhhhihghdifghapdf the other guy already did
Damn that’s not what we tested.
People over generalize and don’t make correct descriptions