Personality Disorders Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Personality definition
Habits, behaviors, cognition, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors
Personality disorder vs trait
Disorder is maladaptive personality and defense mechanisms that affect patterns of daily living vs traits do not reach that threshold of being pathological
General personality disorders
Enduring, stable pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from expectations in cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control. Must be inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations not attributable to other conditions
General differential diagnosis in patients with personality disorders (3)
- Substance abuse
- Personality change due to another medical condition
Critical risk factors to assess in psychiatric eval (5)
- Suicidal risk
- Homicidal risk
- Criminal activity
- Substance abuse
- high risk behavior
Cluster A personality disorders (3) and diagnostic criteria
- Paranoid personality disorder
- Schizoid personality disorder
- Schizotypal personality disorder
-Does not occur exclusively during course of schizophrenia or any psychotic disorder, are odd or eccentric disorders
Paranoid personality disorder and treatment (1)
- Cluster A personality disorder associated with marked distrust and suspicion, interpretation of actions from others as deliberately threatening/demeaning
- psychotherapy
Schizoid personality disorder and treatment (1)
- Cluster A personality disorder characterized by indifference to social relationships, limited range of emotional expression and experience, unable to have close meaningful relationships, but always maintain contact with reality***
- group therapy
Schizotypal personality disorder and treatment (2)
- Cluster A personality disorder characterized by social and interpersonal difficulties, discomfort in close relationships, and unusual thought and perceptions of reality as well as magical*** thinking
- antipsychotic medications and psychotherapy
Cluster B personality disorders (4)
-Antisocial personality disorder
-borderline personality disorder
-histrionic personality disorder
-narcissistic personality disorder
Are dramatic or erratic disorders
Antisocial personality disorder and treatment (1)
Cluster B personality disorder characterized by disregard for the violation of rights of others, dangerous behavior patterns with lack of consciousness (sociopathic) or lack regarding others (psychopathic), must be at least 18 to diagnose but evidence of conduct disorder before the onset of age 15
-no treatment
Borderline personality disorder and treatment (2)
- Cluster B personality disorder characterized by mood instability, difficulty with interpersonal relationships, poor self image, high rates of self injury, and border psychosis and neurosis, 75% females
- group and individual psychotherapy
Histrionic personality disorder and treatment (1)
- Cluster B personality disorder characterized by dramatics, attention seeking, emotional overreaction, draw to be center of attention, and sexual seductiveness in inappropriate situations
- psychotropic meds only indicated if depression
Narcissistic personality disorder and treatment (1)
- Cluster B personality disorder characterized by grandiosity, lack of empathy, need for admiration, inflated sense of self importance, rarely isolated condition
- Individual and group therapy
Cluster C personality disorders (3)
-Avoidant personality disorder
-Dependent personality disorder
-Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
Anxious or fearful disorders
Avoidant personality disorder and treatment (2)
- Cluster C disorder characterized by extreme shyness, fear of rejection or disappointment, lifelong pattern of extreme social inhibition, and feelings of inadequacy
- antidepressant for sensitivity to rejection and talk therapy
Dependent personality disorder and treatment (1)
- Cluster C personality disorder characterized by overreliance on other people to meet ones emotional and physical needs, fears separation and has difficulty making daily decisions
- cognitive behavioral therapy
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder and treatment (1)
- Cluster C personality disorder characterized by excessive attention to detail, perfectionist type A’s that does NOT have to do with OCD
- Psychotherapy
OCD is activities based and habits and doesn’t necessarily impact life while OCPD is impacting life seriously and personality based (systemic in more than just one specific activity)
3 other personality disorders
- Personality change due to medical condition
- other specified personality disorder (mixed features)
- unspecified personality disorder