Personality Disorders Flashcards
What is personality?
Cluster of relatively predictable patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that is generally consistent across time and onset
How is personality defined?
Generally multi-dimensional spectrum rather than rigidly-defined categories
5 factor model = openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness
What is a personality disorder?
Individual’s characteristic and enduring patterns of inner experience and behaviour markedly from the culturally expected and accepted range
What aspects do personality disorders manifest in?
Cognition, affectivity, impulse control and interpersonal functioning
What is cognition?
Ways of perceiving things and forming attitudes and images
What is affectivity?
Range, intensity and appropriateness of emotional response
What is interpersonal functioning?
Relating to others
What are some features of personality disorders?
Pervasive behaviour = inflexible and maladaptive
Personal distress or adverse impact on social areas
Can’t be explained by another adult mental disorder
Why are traits and disorders sometimes confused?
Some people may have traits that can sometimes cause problems
When is something classed as a disorder?
Only a disorder if pervasive, causes distress and/or impairs functioning
What are some rating scales of personality disorders?
ZAN-BPD, Personality assessment schedule, Personality disorders questionnaire, Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, Borderline personality questionnaire, International personality disorder examination
What is the Personality assessment schedule?
Semi-structured interview of personality pathology from trait perscpetive
What is the Personality disorders questionnaire (PDG-4)?
100 item true or false questionnaire
What is the Borderline personality questionnaire?
80 true or false statements
How common are personality disorders?
10.6% of population have personality disorder
1 in 3 psychiatric outpatients have PD
1 in 2 psychiatric inpatients have PD
What is the classification of personality disorder under the DSM V?
Cluster A = paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
Cluster B = antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
Cluster C = avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive
What is the classification of personality disorders under the ICD-10?
Cluster A = paranoid, schizoid
Cluster B = dissocial, emotionally unstable (impulsive or borderline), histrionic
Cluster C = anxious, dependent, anankastic
What is needed to diagnose paranoid PD?
At least 4 = Excessive sensitivity to setbacks
Tendency to bear grudges
Suspiciousness and tendency to misconstrue friendly actions of others as hostile
Combative and tenacious sense of personal rights outkeeping of the actual situation
Recurrent suspicions, without justification, about fidelity of partner
Persistent self-referential attitude, associated particularly with excessive self-importance
Preoccupation with unsubstantiated conspiratorial explanations of events in the world
What is the criteria for schizoid PD?
At least 4 = Few, if any, activities provide pleasure
Emotional coldness, detachment or flattened affectivity
Limited capacity to express warm feelings or anger
Indifferent to either praise or criticism of others
Little interest in having sexual experiences with others
Almost always chooses solitary activities
excessive preoccupation with fantasy
Neither desires, nor has, any close friends
Marked insensitivity to prevailing social norms
What is the criteria for schizotypal PD?
At least 5 = Ideas of reference Odd beliefs or magical thinking Unusual perceptual experiences Odd thinking and speech Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation Inappropriate or constricted effect behaviour or appearance that is odd Lack of close friends other than 1st degree relatives Excessive social anxiety
What is the criteria for dissocial PD?
At least 3 = callous unconcern for feelings of others
Irresponsible and disregard for social norms
Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
Very low threshold for aggression and tolerance for frustration
Incapacity to feel guilt or to profit from adverse experiences
Marked proneness to blame others
What is dissocial PD commonly mistaken for?
What are the two factors of psychopathy?
Factor 1 = interpersonal/affective
Factor 2 = social deviance (lifestyle, antisocial)
What are some interpersonal features of a psychopath?
Grandoise self-worth, pathological lying, manipulative, superficial charm
What are the affective features of a psychopath?
Lack of remorse, shallow affect, lack of empathy, failure to accept responsibility for actions
What are the lifestyle aspects of a psychopath?
Need for stimulation, prone to boredom, parasitic lifestyle, lack of realistic long term goals, impulsivity, irresponsibility
What are some antisocial aspects to psychopaths?
Poor behavioural controls, early behavioural problems, juvenile delinquency, criminal versatility
What is the criteria for impulsive emotionally unstable PD?
At least 3 = Tendency to act unexpectedly, without consideration of consequences
Quarrelsome behaviour and conflict with others
Liability to outbursts of anger or violence
Difficulty maintaining any course of action that offers no immediate reward
Unstable mood
What is the criteria for borderline emotionally unstable PD?
3 from impulsive criteria and 2 = Chronic empty feeling
Intense and unstable relationships
Excessive efforts to avoid abandonment
Recurrent threats or acts of self harm
Disturbances in and uncertainty about self-image
What is the criteria for histrionic PD?
At least 4 = Suggestable
Self-dramatisation/exaggerated expression of emotions
Shallow or labile affectivity
Continually seeks excitement and attention seeking
Inappropriately seductive
Overly concerned with physical attractiveness
What is the criteria for narcissistic PD?
At least 5 = Grandoise logic of self importance
Sense of entitlement
Fixation with fantasies of infinite success
Interpersonally oppressive behaviour
Credence that they are extraordinary
No form of empathy
Desire for unwarranted admiration
Display of egotistical behaviour
Resentment of others/conviction that others are resentful of them
What is the criteria for anankastic PD?
At least 4 = Excessive doubt and caution
Perfectionism that interferes with task completion
Preoccupation with details, rules or schedule
Excessive conscientiousness
Undue preoccupation with productivity
Pedantic to adherence to social norms
Rigidity and stubbornness
Unreasonable reluctance to allow others to do things
What is the criteria for anxious PD?
At least 4 = Persistent pervasive feelings of tension
Belief that they’re inferior
Excessive preoccupation about being socially rejected
Unwillingness to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
Restrictions in lifestyle because of need of security
Avoidance of activities that involve interpersonal contact for fear of rejection
What is the criteria for dependent PD?
At least 4 = Feeling helpless when alone
Encouraging others to make most important decisions
Subordination of needs to those of others on whom they depend on
Unwillingness to make even reasonable demands on people they depend on
Preoccupation with fears of being left alone
Limited capacity to make everyday decisions without excessive advice and encouragement