Clinical Aspects and Management of Memory Problems Flashcards
What is dementia?
Irreversible and progressive global cognitive decline
What are some features of the post diagnostic support for dementia?
Management should start as soon as possible
Time of uncertainty = tailored info and support needed
Should include practical and legal advice
May need postdiagnostic counselling
Why is advanced planning needed in patients with dementia?
To allow patients to make decisions while they still have capacity
What are some features of dementia in general hospital?
People with dementia aged >65 currently take up 1/4 of hospital beds at any given time
47% of carers said that being in hospital had a significant negative impact on physical health
How common is it for patients with dementia to be discharged into care after hospital admittance?
Over 1/3 of people with dementia who go into hospital from living in their own homes are discharged to a care home
What is needed to diagnose dementia?
History consistent with global cognitive decline over months-years
Cognitive testing consistent with history
Decline in level of function
No evidence of reversible cause
What are some methods of cognitive testing?
Addenbrookes Cognitive Assessment III = standard test
Montreal Cognitive Assessment = shorter test
Frontal Assessment Battery
Detailed neuropsychiatry testing = standardised according to premorbid testing
What is the short IQCODE?
Collateral history = 16 questions scored from 1-5, compares patient to how they were 10 years ago
How does occupational therapists assess patients with memory problems?
By doing a cognitive performance test = observations of activities like washing, estimates cognitive level and level of supervision needed for daily living
What are some reversible causes of cognitive impairment?
Delirium, alcohol, brain lesions, depression, medication, thyroid/metabolic disorders, brain infection
What are some features of mild cognitive impairment?
Noticeable cognitive impairment with little deterioration of function = ACE III usually 75-90 ad MoCA usually 24-26
What is the management of mild cognitive impairment?
Annual conversion of 10-15% so repeat cognitive testing yearly
May benefit from home based memory rehabillitation
What is subjective cognitive testing?
Patient feels they are cognitively impaired but testing and everyday function are normal
What are some features of subjective cognitive testing?
Often associated with anxiety, depression or stress
Usually have relative or friend with dementia
Normal memory lapses are interpreted as sinister
What are the symptoms and signs of Alzheimer’s disease?
Memory loss (especially short term), dysphagia, dyspraxia and agnosia
CT/MRI normal
Medial temporal lobe or temporoparietal atrophy
What are the variants of Alzheimer’s disease?
Frontal, posterior cortical atrophy
What are the symptoms of vascular dementia?
Dysphagia, dyscalculia, frontal lobe symptoms, affective symptoms, focal neurological signs
What are some features of vascular dementia?
May have vascular risk factors or step wise decline
CT/MRI = moderate-severe small vessel disease, multiple lacunar infarcts
SPECT = patchy reduction in tracer uptake
What are the three types of frontotemporal dementia?
Behavioural type, primary progressive aphasia and semantic dementia
What are the features of behavioural type frontotemporal dementia?
Behavioural changes, executive dysfunction, disinhibition, impulsivity, loss of social skills, apathy, obsessions
What are the features of primary progressive aphasia?
Effortful non-fluent speech, articulatory errors, lack of grammar and words
What are the features of semantic dementia?
Impaired understanding of word meaning, fluent but empty speech, difficulty retrieving names