Personality Disorders Flashcards
What is the classification for Cluster A personality disorders?
Including paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal PDs, which may manifest in cognitive distortions and an interpersonal style that is odd, eccentric, or detached
What is the classification for Cluster B personality disorders?
Consisting of antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic PDs, which often involve behaviour that appears dramatic, erratic, impulsive, aggressive, or affectively dysregulated
What is the classification for Cluster C personality disorder?
Includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive PDs that tend to involve fear, anxiety, apprehension, or perceived avoidance of harm
What is the general classification criteria for personality disorders?
Markedly disharmonious attitudes and behaviour, involving several areas of functioning
Abnormal behaviour is enduring, of long standing and not limited to episodes of mental illness.
Abnormal behaviour is pervasive and maladaptive to a broad range of personal and social situations
The manifestations appear during childhood or adolescence and continue into adulthood.
The disorder leads to considerable personal distress but not always evident.
Often but not always associated with significant problems in social and occupational performance.
What are the symptoms of paranoid personality disorder?
Excessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffs.
Bears grudges persistently
Suspicious, misconstrues actions as hostile
Combative, tenacious sense of personal rights
Suspicious regarding fidelity of partner
Excessive self importance
Conspiratorial explanations of events
What are the symptoms of schizoid personality disorder?
Social detachment
Emotional coldness, detachment or flattened affect
Finds few activities pleasurable
Limited capacity to express feelings
Apparent indifference to praise or criticism.
Little interest in sexual experiences with another person
Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection (eccentricity)
Lack of desire for close friends or confiding relationships
What are the symptoms of dissocial (antisocial) personality disorder?
Callous unconcern for feelings of others
Gross and persisitent irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and obligations
Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
Low tolerance to frustration
Low threshold for violence and aggression.
Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, especially punishment
Blames others
What is psychopathy?
Severe form of antisocial personality disorder. Characterised by antisocial behaviour, callous disregard and lack of empathy
What are the 2 types of emotionally unstable (borderline) personality disorder?
Impulsive type
Borderline type
What are the features of impulsive type emotionally unstable personality disorder?
Emotional instability and lack of control
Outbursts of violence and threatening behaviour are common especially in response to criticism
What are the features of borderline type emotionally unstable personality disorder?
Emotional instability
Self image, aims and internal preferences are often unclear or disturbed
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Intense unstable relationships causing repeated emotional crises
Associated excessive efforts to avoid abandonment
Suicidal threats or self harm
What are the symptoms of histrionic personality type disorder?
Self dramatisation, theatricality, Suggestibility Shallow and labile affect Seeks excitement, centre of attention Inappropriate seductiveness Over concern with physical attractiveness
What are the features of anankastic (obsessive-compulsive) personality disorder?
Preoccupation with details, rules, lists, order, organisation and schedule.
Perfectionism interferes with task completion
Conscientiousness, scrupulousness, undue preoccupation with productivity to exclusion of pleasure and relationships
Pedantic, rigid and stubborn
Insists others submit to their way of doing things, reluctant to allow others to do things
Intrusion of unwelcome, insistent thoughts or impulses
What are the symptoms of anxious (avoidant) personality disorder?
Persistent, pervasive tensions and apprehension
Believe they are socially inept, unappealing or inferior to others
Preoccupation with being criticised or rejected in social situations
Unwillingness to become involved unless certain of being liked
Restriction in lifestyle because of need for security
Avoidance of activities involving interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism, disapproval or rejection
What are the symptoms of dependent personality disorder?
Allows others to make important life decisions
Subordination of own needs to those of others on whom they are dependent
Unwillingness to make demand on people on whom they are dependent
Fear of being abandoned
Uncomfortable or helpless when alone,
Fear inability to care for themselves
Unable to make decisions without excessive advice from others