Personality Disorders Flashcards
Personality disorders are what axis diagnoses
axis II
Personality disorder criteria?
Pattern of behavior/inner experience that deviates from the person’s culture and is manifested in two or more of the following ways:
Cognition, Affect, Personal Relations, Impulse Control
Cluster A personality disorders
schizoid (Aloof), schizotypal (Awkward) and paranoid (Accusatory)
Patients with Cluster A personality disorders seem?
Eccentric, withdrawn, peculiar and have familial associations with psychotic disorders. They are just “weird”
Cluster B personality disorders
antisocial, borderline, histrionic and narcissistic (bad to the bone)
Cluster B patients seem?
emotional, dramatic or inconsistent and have a familial association with MOOD disorders
Cluster C personality disorders
avoidant (Cowardly), dependent (Clingy), and obsessive-compulsive (compulsive)
Cluster C patients seem
anxious or fearful and familial association with anxiety disorders. “WORRIED”
Most helpful tx for personality disorders
Psychotherapy and group therapy. (pharm tx has limited usefullness)
A 30 year old man says his wife has been cheating on him because he does not have a good enough job to provide for her needs. He also claims that on his previous job, his boss fired him because he did a better job than his boss.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
a 45 year old scientist works in the lab most of the day and has no friends, according to his coworkers. Has not been able to keep a job because of failure to collaborate with others. he expresses no desire to make friends and is content with his single life. no evidence of a thought disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Criteria for a Cluster A personality disorder ( at least 4 of these 7 things must be present)
General distrust of others, beginning by early adult hood and present in a variety of contexts. At least 4 of the following must also be present:
Suspicion (without evidence) that others are exploiting or deceiving him/her
preoccupation with doubts of loyalty or trustworhiness of aquaintances
Reluctance to confide in others
Interpretation of benign remarks as threatening or demeaning
persistence of grudges
perception of attacks on his or her character that are not apparent to others, quick to counteratack
Recurrence of suspicions regarding fidelity of spouse or lover
Tx of choice for Paranoid Personality disorder?
Have no desire for close relationships and prefer to be alone
Schizoid Personality disorder
Patient with little interest in sexual activity if any with another person, taking pleasure in few activities (if any) and has a few close friends if any, and indifferent to praise or criticism
Schizoid (presence is twice that in men then in women)