personality chap 12 Flashcards
What is the def of personality
The way we think,feel or behave
What are 3 elements we can use
Uniqueness ( how distinct we feel), Consistency ( across time and situation) and explanation ( explain our behaviours)
What influences and effects our behaviour more, personality or behaviour
Both are equally important , there are multiple perspectives
What is freud known about
the 3 parts of the human mind
What is at the conscious level
What we are aware at this moment
What is the preconscious mind
easily accessible all the time that can be brought out to our conscious mind
What is the unconscious mind
The information that is hidden from us
What is manifest content
What we can remember in our dreams
What is a latent content
What our unconscious mind is telling us in our dream that we cannot remember
What is free association
to say whatever is on our mind without feeling threatened or judged
What is the ID in our mind
This is where theres the unconscious mind, responsible for our basic needs .The ID wants it NOW is it also linked in agression
What is the EGO
More on the concoius side, the ego will find a way to balance its superego and id
What is the SUPEREGO
It operates in all levels of consciousness and is the moral code. It focuses on what’s realistic but primarily moral,
How can anxiety be influenced
Because the ego has to mediate the id and superego, it can arise anxiety, its a defence mechanism
What is reality anxiety
Informs the ego of a real danger
What is moral anxiety
will notify the superego that the ego is violating a moral code
What is neurotic anxiety
The ego it threatening of id impulses at the conscious level
What is repression
Forcing distressing memories into the unconcious
What is reaction formation
Unacceptable thoughts and desires in the unconscious that are opposite of the consciousness
What is projection
Attributing ones own unacceptable behaviours / feelings to other ones
What is regression
reaction to a threatening situation with a response of an earlier stage
What is sublimation
Transforming inappropriate implusives and motives into a socially acceptable thing
What is denial
Refusal to accept painful facts
Creating an acceptable excise for their behaviour
What is displacement
Shifting ones emotion to someone else instead of the person they’re angry on
What and when is the oral stage
Birht to 2 years old where its conflicted in the mouth
What are the health outcomes of the oral stage
Develop a willingess to delay gratification
What is an unhealthy outcome of the roal stage
Overeating, Addiction and problems in adulthood
What and when is the anal stage
This is associated with the anus when toilet training occurs, and this happens for 2-3 years old.
What is a healthy outcome of the anal stage
When seeing pleasure, they do it at the right time and place
What is an unhealthy outcome of anal stage
Doing innaporpriate stuff in public or being overly concerned in order and neatness
What and when is the phalic stage
This happens to 3-6 yrs and its with the genitals. A competition with the same sex parent for the affection of the opposite sex parent.
What is a healthy outcome of phalic stage
Go and get along with those more powerful than you
What is an unhealthy outcome of phalic stage
Expression oppositional and hostile bahaviors at work and cannot deal with feeling powerless
What and when is the latency period
It is only known to see their sex-role and their interaction with their same sex peers
What is a healthy outcome in latency
Knowing you are not alone in difficult moments in your life
What is an unhealthy outcome in latency
Making sexist and racist comments
What is an unhealthy outcome in latency
Making sexist and racist comments
What and when is the genital stage
around 11- adulthood and deals with relationships with the opposite sex
What is a healthy outcome of genital stage
To pleasure we give other pleasure
What is an unhealthy outcome of genital pleasure
Experiencing loneliness with a series of failed relationships and stems selfishness
What is Maslow known for
His theory of hierarchy
What are the needs according to the hierarchy system?
Physiological needs ( food,air ,water), safety needs,love needs, self-esteem needs,self actualization and self-transcendance needs
What is Roger known about
The self concept
What is the self concept
It is what you think and believe about yourself
What is self-esteem
How we evaluate our worth and being loved and respected
What is our ideal self
What we would life to be
What is out real self
THe self we are rn
What does Roger think abt growth and self-improvements..
We are all born with the innate to psychologically grow and improve , however the motivation is innate but the environment is important
What is an unconditional positive regard
That family and friends are going to love you regardless no matter the good, the bad and the ugly
What are some consequences of Unconditional positive regard
It can unfold our own unique potential, the selfconcept will be positive, our ideal self will match our real self and our self esteem will be higher
What is conditional positive regard
When people love you when you only do good
What are the consequences of conditional postive regard
Growth and independence will not be unfolded, self-concept will be negative, big gap between the ideal and real self and low self-esteem
What is delay of gratification
Saying no to a moment of pleasure , in favour of a long term goal
What does the marshmallow study consist of
They asked kids to wait before they eat a marshmallow, and if they did they would get 2
What are the different outcomes of these children
When they didnt eat the marshmellow, they had better outcomes than those who did not
What happens in the ventral striatum
When theres no delayed gratification, theres more activity in this part
How are biological genetic perpective studied
By twins study
what are the 5-factor models
Openess,conscientiousness,Extraversion , agreeableness and neuroticism
What is a high in openness
Artistic, insightful and inteligent
What is low in openness
Common-place and shallow
Deliberate ,efficent and precise
What is a low in conscientiousness
careless, irresponsible
What is high in extraversion
Adventurous,dominant and socialble
What is a low in extraversion
Quiet , reserved, shy
What is a high in agreableness
cooperative,generous and sympathetic
What is a low in agreeableness
What is a high in neuroticism
anxious ,temperamental