Chap 16 Flashcards
What is stress
When an organism is facing a stimulation of a stiuls and demands more attention than others
who studies stress
What is eustress
Positive stress
What is distress
bad stress ( negative stress)
What is appraisal
How we deal with stress
We look at the situation and see it is a threat or a challenge
We then see if we have the skills or resources to deal with it
what is a challenge
Something is going to ask more of me, but I have the skills to deal with it
What is a threat
faced with a stimulation, we feel like we do not have the resources to deal with them
What is acute stress
it is short-lived stress, and it is adaptive. Can cause inflammation in our bodies
What is chronic stress
When wer constantly stressed
What is Yerkes Dodson law
In order to preform well, we need the level of arousal to be optimal.
What is the maximal adaptability model
When faced with higher levels of stress than before, were capable to rise above it.
What are physical stressors
Extreme temp ( too cold or too hot)
What are catastrophes
Man made ( war) or nature made ( tsunami)
What are other types of stressors
life changes, daily hassles, social and culturea, a threat to the ego and anticipating catastrophies
Who is responsible for the studies of stress response system
What does epinepherine do to our bodies
( catecholamines)
Energizes our body, the live increase the production of glucose and enhances our survival and helps the fight or flight response
Is norepinephrine part of the catecholamine family
YES :)
What is the freeze response
We become still, and under certain circumstances it is adaptive as the body will shut down and feel less pain since the heart slows down
who are the players in the stress response system
Amygdala,hypothalamus,hippocampus,prefrontal cortex and ANS
How does the amygdala respond to stress
The watchdog of the brain, it detects danger and sends the alarm at lightning speed ( fastest responder)
How does the hypothalamus respond to stress
It will control the ANS Since it orderes around and sends stress hormones to the body
How is the hippocampus going to respond to stress
It it linked and associated with memoru, so it will help form new memories and will influence how we deal with new stress by remembering the old stress
How does the prefrontal cortex
Important when faced with a threatening stimuli , it takes longer for it to make a decision and will either agree with the amygdala or dissagree
How is the pituitary gland going to respond to stress
The gland boss
What is the adrenal glands going to respond to stress
Release EN , NE and other stress hormones
What is the SAM AXIS
When the alarm is active the amygdala activates the hypothamaus, it will sends signals to the spinal cord to the adrenal medulla and release NE and EN.
What is the HPA AXIS
Amygdala will activate the hypothalamus, it will release CRH that will activate the pituitary gland, that will release ACTH to activate the adrenal cortex and release cortison and other stress hormones
How can cortisol affect your body
It is good for short term periods since it is to provide more glucose, but if too long it will kill neurons and have other negative effects in our body
What is the diathesis-stress model
The link between chronic stress and an increase for ilness
Whar is diathesis
Some of us are more vulnerable to this modal and depending on genetics ,environment it will activate chronic stress
What can be a risk for schizophrenia
When a woman is pregnant and has a cold
What is human plasticity
When influenced by our environement some of us are more plastic than others . The positive influences will benefit us much mroe
What are some unhealthy behaviours ,
Poor sleep, heart attacks and drugs / alcohol
What weakens when were experience acute stress
The goal is to survive, so some part of our body that are not useful when experienng stress will be supressed.
What can chronic stress caused
Risk for depression,alzhimers diabetes and cancer and will weakend our immune system even more
What are telomeres responsible for
They are the end of the chromosome and they protect the dna
What is important in a healthy telomere
The it is long and and healthy, if thats not the case they will be shroter and we will not live long
Does chronic stress have an effect on telomeres
YES, if chronic stress is too much for too long it will shorten
What is a telomerase
An enzyme that helps repair and replenish telomeres