Personality and Social Relationships Flashcards
Personality and Relationships, Attraction Similarity Theory?
Assortative Mating
We’re attracted to people like us
Personality and Relationships, Complementary Needs theory?
– We’re attracted to people whose personality complements ours
– Opposites Attract
What do people want (in personality traits) in a relationship?
A pretty high correlation between the self’s personality and preferred partner personality
What do people actually get in relationships? (partner’s personality traits)
No support for Complemantarty Needs Theory
Some (weak) evidence for assortative mating, on intelligence
Is similarity related to relationship satisfaction?
- Couples with similar personality traits are not necessarily more satisfied in their relationship.
- But, if partner is similar to your “ideal personality” then relationship satisfaction is higher
What makes an “ideal” partner? Which traits do people want in a partner?
Both males and females want mutual affection/love, dependable, emotional stability, and a pleasing disposition.
However, women care more about education/intelligence and men care more about good health.
What are the less important traits for men and women?
- Similar religion
- Similar political views
- Chasity
- Chasity
- Similar religion
- Similar political views
Which traits actually relate to relationship satisfaction?
– Husband: A, ES = emotional Stability, O/I = Openness/Intelligence (in wife)
– Wife: A, C, ES, O/I (in husband)
– Husband: A (in wife)
– Wife: A, ES, O/I (in husband)
– Husband: A, C, ES (in wife)
– Wife: A (in husband)
– Husband: A, ES (in wife)
– Wife: A, ES (in husband)
More on Assortative Mating? Reference Group Effect
Many studies show little personality similarity between partners, rs typically below .10
But, self-reported personality may be biased due to reference group effect
- When judging our own personality, we compare ourselves to people we spend time with
– These people tend to be like us
– As a result, our self-rated personality may seem more different from our partner’s than is accurate
What if we measure personality with behavior, instead of self-report?
Avoids reference group problem
- Study Mesured Facebook likes and language in posts which predicts Big 5 traits
- Can be used to more reliably measure similarity in B5 between partners
Results: Demonstrate a stronger correlation in personality traits than self-reports -> There is good evidence for assortative mating
Which traits predict future relationship quality and conflict? (Lonitudinal study assessed 3 traits)
– Positive Emotionality (PEM): Confidence, enthusiasm, social warmth, well-being, and zest
– Negative Emotionality (NEM): Threshold for negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, fear
– Constraint (CON): Self-control, harm avoidance, and endorsement of social norms
Results: Persoanlity early on (18) can effect later realionship satisfaction (26)
How do emotions expressions relate to sexual attractiveness?
The most attractive is the man showing pride and a women showing happiness
Happiness is the most attractive female emotion expression and one of the Least attractive when shown by men AND?
Also the opposite!
Pride is the most attractive male emotional expression and one of the least attractive when shown by women
Which emotional expression is seen as attractive by both genders?
Shame is attractive when shown by both genders
But it’s not an evolutionary trait or cross-culturally (India) Exclusively an American phenomenon (Bad guy who feels guilty about it)
Expression of emotions in relationships? (Gottman & Levenson)
Newlywed couples engaged in conflict discussion while videotaped
- Videotapes coded for emotional responses, style of interaction (observational data)
- Physiological measures (Test-data)
- Couples members rate patterns; relationship satisfaction (Informant data) and own satisfaction (Self-data)
Couples followed up to 5 years later
Divorce could be predicted from the data, with 83% accuracy
Four Main Factors that Predict Divorce? 1. Criticism vs. Complaint
Criticism: Global statement of anger, displeasure, distress, or other negativity, tends to be blaming (e.g., “You never take me anywhere.”)
– Complaint: specific statement of anger, displeasure, distress, or other negativity (e.g., “We don’t go out as much as I would like to”)
Criticisms (but not complaints) predict divorce
Escalation of negative affect is very bad
– De-escalation of negative affect (e.g., through humor) is very good
Four Main Factors that Predict Divorce? 2. Contempt
Contempt: Insult, mockery, sarcasm, or
derision of the other person.
– Includes disapproval, judgment, disdain, exasperation, mockery, put-downs, or communicating that the other person is absurd or incompetent
Four Main Factors that Predict Divorce? 3. Defensiveness
Defensiveness: Attempt to protect one’s
self from perceived attack
– May include denial of responsibility, counterblame, or whine
– May be a response to “Mindreading”
Attribution of motives, feelings, or behaviors made by one partner to the other partner
Example: “You always get tense in situations like this.”
“No I don’t. You are the one who always gets tense!”
Four Main Factors that Predict Divorce? 4. Stonewalling
Stonewalling: The listener presents a “stone wall” to his/her partner.
– No small “assenting” vocalizations like “mmmm’ or “yeah”
– No head nods; neck is rigid
– There is little gaze at the speaker
– Little facial movement, but when there is it is negative
– 85% of stonewallers are male
Overall findings of the 4 predictors of divorce?
What distinguishes satisfied and dissatisfied couples is not how frequently they conflict, but the way in which negative feelings are expressed during conflicts.
Disagreements are not more common among dissatisfied couples, but dissatisfied couples more likely to express disagreement with negative affect.
A 5:1 ratio of positive interactions to negative
interactions is characteristic of a good marriage
– ONE negative interaction can wipe out the effects of several positive interactions
Negative emotions are associated with high levels of physiological arousal for men, but not for women… results?
Men may avoid negative affect in relationships because it is more physiologically punishing (That is way more men stonewall -> avoiding the conflict and the arousal)
Emotionally, men experience lower levels of negative affect than women